HatedBlood Whip
I'm just here for Hated / Bog syndrome memes
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I JUSt fought it myself
agree, nerf sound aoe
Don't downvote me bc you a liar...
Honestly, looking at the stats alone, I wondered when someone would post about the move.

Trying to look at the move from an objective viewpoint, even if it has an admittedly short CD for how much damage it can inflict, would still be hard to try and keep landing on an enemy with just blood alone. Best I can think of to help land it from blood are his two slows (assuming the self-AoE slows), and both have long CDs.

The issue I see can come, if you use it with a melee tree, thanks to the GCDE gap closer moves they have. Makes landing the strike easier when you can dash strike into range before positioning yourself for the whip.
 Only possible solution I can see in my mind, excluding using other abilities, is to dash out when the enemy attempts to get close, which the blood user can possibly predict and wait for the enemy to dash first before dashing too, and then try to land the hit. At best, making it it a, say, 50-50 chance to either succeed in avoiding it? Of course, skill, prediction, and the right abilities can help alter those chances to either side.

From what I can tell, it is one of those moves that greatly benefit melee players, in comparison to mage players who usually either keep distance, or are in less favorable match ups should they try fighting in close quarters against melee users. Armed/unarmed is what can make the move more consistent, and due to the low CD, it'll almost always be an option to use once the CD for dash strike/jab ends. 

For the sake of comparison, there is water whip. The move deals less around 10 less spell damage, but is also a gcde stun move, allowing to use another ability (which can overall deal more damage than blood whip, but would put at least two or more abilities on CD as well, depending on what combo was used.)
Water whip, has a 15 sec CD, which means you can't spam it as often as blood whip together with dash strike/jab (And perhaps its a good thing too, a GCDE gap closing move followed by a GCDE stun move at every engagement? That can cause some problems)

IF blood whip is indeed a 3x3 move in front of the caster, I can see the reasoning of at least increasing the CD a bit. If the hitbox is something more peculiar, that can complicate things when it comes to balancing the move, since then I can't guess how reliable it truly is without experiencing it first hand.

Anyway, that is my opinion at least.
Now, to wait and see when people would start talking about blood bomb  Tongue
Fuck Dani.
blood whip was actually nerfed yesterday, it's just not in the patch notes yet

ChanceYesterday at 7:26 PM
ok good
12 dmg / 13s cd?
I have awoken from my slumber to tell you to shut the fuck up
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