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  House Kalogera
Posted by: Botanist - 11-17-2019, 03:44 AM - Forum: Pre-Meranthe - No Replies

House Kalogera
Quote:Put money in thy purse; follow thou the wars; defeat thy favour with an usurped beard; I say, put money in thy purse.
IAGO - Othello, 1.3.698-700
The Kalogera family was ennobled relatively recently, in 1321. The man responsible for the family's ennoblement - Cesare Kalogera - was a member of the Order of the First Light who distinguished himself by saving the life of the Queen consort from an assassination attempt. Cesare quickly squandered his newfound wealth and title through heavy gambling, drinking, and soliciting the services of some less than reputable women. He died, almost penniless and without an heir, in 1343; this would be the end of the family were it not for Cesare's brother, a stable if somewhat dull merchant, who inherited the title.

The family passed into obscurity until the title passed into the hands of Giorgios Kalogera, a shrewd investor, businessman, and industrialist who managed to amass an impressive fortune shortly after coming of age. He worked men to death in the handful of silver mines he owned, and conditions in the Hessalian mills he had inherited from his father were notorious before they were burnt down by Rhoynish raiders. 

In the realm of politics, Giorgios' tenure as a member of Parliament was colored by rumors of taking bribes; it was an open secret that he sold his vote to the highest bidder. Suspicions abound were high on how he managed to create such wealth in such little time, even after the mills were burned down; he was, until the very end, subject to unflattering rumors, with whispers of criminal associates and he was a known frequenter of the Fraternity of Osrona; he married the sister of Lord D'Arnette and, to this day, the two house's dealings are intertwined.

He met his end under suspicious circumstances; many associates (for he had no friends) believed that he had been poisoned, though none can say who did it. The title passed to his firstborn son, older than his twin brother by three minutes, Basil cos Kalogera.
[Image: VhSoQdI.png]

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  House D'Arnette, the Hounds of the Gentry
Posted by: Cro - 11-17-2019, 02:10 AM - Forum: Pre-Meranthe - No Replies

House D'Arnette, the Hounds of the Gentry

[Image: rws77EC.jpg]

The D'Arnette dynasty is known for producing cultivators of private entertainment. Since its founding, the family has prided itself on its ability to cater towards a very specific demographic: the nobility of Osrona. They are salesmen with a select patronage that live to satisfy the needs of landed aristocrats. Historically, members of the D'Arnette line have made a name for themselves working as organizers, orators, and operatives.

The household is synonymous with a small sect known as the Fraternity of Osrona, a cabaret catered towards Esshar's upper echelon. Shrouded in controversy, not much is known about the establishment other than that it enables nobility to explore every facet of their privilege. Whether or not the Fraternity adheres to Osrona's edicts and laws has remained a topic of strong debate as since it's founding.

Its brood spends time assisting in the administrative duties of the family business, while also remaining outspoken advocates of class separation. They are infamous for orchestrating public demonstrations and spearheading rallies that vilify slum dwellers and unsavory, unproductive commoners. Similarly, they are strong supporters of the City Watch, defending them at any given opportunity while finding every reason to ensure that they remain protectors of the peerage.

Members of House D'Arnette are said to provide exclusive services to their patronage on fixed or commission based contracts. The exact nature of these services is still a topic of speculation to this day, though there is a saying at a D'Arnette will do anything for a price—so long as there is a signet ring involved.

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  Simple Immersion Fixes
Posted by: Oyster. - 11-16-2019, 03:07 AM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Here's an indisputable issue with (currently proposed) tomes/crest rewards for military. They're soulbound, they can't be given away or stolen, or anything. It's lame- but it's also easily fixed.

Arguments against them being tradeable/stealable:
- Hoarding items to alts and friends
- Theft RP has almost never led to anything good

With this in mind, here is the proposal.

Solution for Knight Crests:
- Instead of physical items given, just have the head of the military keep a tally ICly (oocly this can be represented by items to keep track). There, no more questions about why the items cannot be taken.

Solution for magical tomes:
- Ideally the whole system would be reworked as the intention behind tomes is to make learning magic more organic but this is the most barebones route possible. Since the game is releasing in under a week this isn't feasible, hopefully in the future.
- Advanced tomes should require some magical imprint from the first person to pick it up, binding it to them until they've learned everything the tome has to offer- after which it becomes inert or blank or just stays the same or whatever.

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  Dungeon Tomes
Posted by: MalfGuy2 - 11-16-2019, 03:04 AM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

Since instanced dungeons are somewhere in the 'Soon™' feature pile..

I think it would be neat for the bosses and/or unique monsters found in said hypothetical dungeons to feature a small drop chance for element specialization tomes so guild-based magic teaching has an organic input instead of potentially having to solely rely on admin-spawned tomes for the mentor characters.

Might also be worth reviewing this idea at a future point if someone somehow manages to wrangle a DM for an event they intend to learn an ability from if running a gauntlet of NPC enemies is part of their dungeon set-up.

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  The Royal Osronan Constabulary, or; The City Watch
Posted by: Botanist - 11-16-2019, 12:31 AM - Forum: Pre-Meranthe - Replies (1)

[Image: D4IvFRY.jpg]
"The most senseless and fit man."

Brief History
The City Watch, officially referred to as the Royal Osronan Constabulary, was first established in the year 691 AC as a militia formed by the free citizens of the city of Osrona. With much of the Order of the First Light embarking towards Nuburg to break the siege upon the city that followed the beginning of the Bastard's Rebellion, leaving behind only a small garrison of knights, it quickly became clear that Osrona required an organization whose primary duty was to police the city and the surrounding townships. Thus, the City Watch was originally formed under the name The Citizen Army. Aside from receiving it's current name in 1234 AC, the requirements to join the City Watch have more or less remained the same: be a citizen of Esshar, be free (i.e, not an indentured servant or slave,) and be, at least, the age of sixteen. Since then, the City Watch has kept the peace - or whatever passes for it - in Osrona.


The City Watch, naturally, has less stringent requirements on joining than the Order of the First Light; "training" in the City Watch often consists of a newly recruited member walking a beat with a more experienced member, learning as they go along. The majority of recruits come from the lower-to-middle classes, owing to the fact that noblemen who want to serve their country often join the more prestigious and grandiose Order of the First Light. The pay is not the best, but it's not the worst, and there's always room for advancement. Outside of major operations - like dealing with a riot or arresting a powerful criminal, both of which are done in conjunction with the Order - the majority of guards patrol a specific area with one other guard and are responsible for keeping the peace there.

  • The City Watch serves as Osrona's primary civilian police force, often dealing with crimes too minor to bother the Order with, such as petty theft, muggings, vagrancy, and overall disorderly conduct, like brawling.
  • During the most dire of times - such as during the Humiliation of the Rhoynur - it is not uncommon for the City Watch, owing to it's size and the plethora of physically fit non-magi within her ranks, to march to war with the Order of the First Light.
  • Enforcing the law is paramount; protecting the public from harm is another responsibility of the City Watch.

The main issue that the City Watch is facing today is the sudden rise of terrorism in Osrona; not as skilled and magically talented as the Order of First Light, members of the City Watch often make appealing targets to terrorists, and even common criminals. There are certain parts of the city that members of the Watch think twice about entering. The sewers are, more or less, considered a no-go zone. Corruption, as well, has always been an issue that plagued the City Watch, but it almost never goes beyond some common criminal paying off a guard to look the other way. If members of the Watch were found to be engaging in criminal acts, the scandal would be enormous.

(wrote this because there seems to be nothing on the city watch aside from that it exists)

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  IC Rumors Thread
Posted by: ferrousLeonine - 11-15-2019, 09:11 PM - Forum: Pre-Meranthe - Replies (21)

This thread is for propagating rumors characters would have learned IC through gossip, on the street, or via informants. Rumors can be positive or negative, and about your character or another you're aware of IC. 

Bear in mind rumors shouldn't be your character speaking directly- if they have an IC proclamation they should take another route to announce it. If you submit a rumor it will be anonymous, and from the perspective of the nameless masses that make up the people of Esshar. Ideally, rumors will serve as a RP hook and should be engaging to other players to hear.

Example rumors might be 'I heard one of the Exarch Knights is willing to teach people his magma techniques' or 'I heard Vriska McFruson secretly practices the occult'. 

And a bad rumor would be 'People say (my character) is the strongest' or 'Tattles Mouseguy knows Death Magic'. 

They will be posted anonymously and sporadically in this thread, at least a couple times a week. Staff reserves the right to exclude submissions we deem to be unengaging or in poor taste.

Rumor submission: https://forms.gle/vibrNdfgW4BoLAw6A

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  The Syndicate
Posted by: Iridescence - 11-15-2019, 07:16 PM - Forum: Pre-Meranthe - No Replies

[Image: Alleyway_001.jpg?1443929933]

While initially dismissed, the Syndicate has made quite the name for itself within the last year. Remnants of Rhoynur flock to the organization, a group seemingly sprouted from the slums, despite being shrouded in secrecy. Whispers and murmurs echo throughout the dark alleys of Osrona, tales of grandeur and riches abound. Many of those who have been suspected of affiliation originating from the slums, further feeding unrest throughout the capitol.

With paranoia running rampant, the Order still incapable of pinpointing definitive information, tension has gripped the kingdom of Esshar. Attacks against the upper echelon has thrown the balance into disarray. Assassination attempts, burglaries, common crimes which have been amplified due to the lingering threat of the Syndicate. Shadowy figures without discernible identities seemingly pulling the strings without trace, dictating acts of terrorism. Heavy prices lay on the heads of the unknown leadership, yet no plausible information has  been identified.

Hearsay has dominated many of the lower-class citizens, job offerings almost too good to be true and rumors of a revolution in the works.

Titles and Ranks
Boss: There is one Boss above all the others, one who sits among the darkest shadows of Osrona's depths. Their identity is unknown, but their legend isn't. Someone is pulling all of the strings, someone who makes even the bravest of the First Light think twice about wandering alone at night.
Underboss: Answering directly to the Boss, the Underbosses exist as faces that actually come out and into the light, at least long enough to pass off their orders. As far as the rest of the Syndicate goes, those of this rank are looked to as the final say, if only because the Boss doesn't waste time with anyone other than those they deem worthy.
Enforcer: The movers and shakers of the Syndicate, while the Boss is the Brain and the Underbosses are the mouth, the Enforcers are the eyes and the arms. Their identities, if they aren't careful, are more likely to be known by the public, and given the difficulty it takes to reach those above this rank, the Enforcers suffer from the most turnover.
Agent: These members move through the streets themselves and operate in sunlight if the times call for it. The agents aren't the fodder of the Syndicate, and achieving this title means you've actually made something of yourself among a rougher crowd.
Ratling: The lowest of the totem pole, usually people who have fallen onto harder times and have to turn to illegal activities just to stay alive. The ratlings aren't shown any respect and usually have to follow any and all orders they are given or suffer consequences that generally leave them injured and maimed, if not floating lifeless in the river.

Due the secretive nature of the organization, recruitment will be handled via pre-arranged scenes. If you're interested in joining the ranks, feel free to message Iridescence#7892 over Discord!

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  The Faith
Posted by: Peep 'Puff' Topia - 11-15-2019, 05:36 PM - Forum: Pre-Meranthe - Replies (3)

[Image: artwork-fantasy-art-cathedral-bench-wall...review.jpg]

The Pantheon of the Celestials, also known as 'The Faith'

The stars above were here before us and they will survive long after all has turned to dust, this the Church of Celestialism knows. As the King & Queen act as the heart of Esshar, the Faith stand tall as the mind. Prioritizing piety over power, many come to the sacred halls of the church to free themselves from the burdens they find within their lives. Nobleman and pauper both, seeking their own refuge, adorn the ranks of the priesthood for their own reasons. Some seek an escape from the responsibility of their noble homes, forsaking their title in devotion to the skies above. Others, less so fortunate, come to the church to raise themselves out of the slums in an effort to give their lives purpose through surrendering to a higher cause. Few are turned away. Only those who are tested and found their heart was dark with ill-intention find themselves rebuked by this holy establishment, and those who do may quickly find that the world is not kind to those the church shuns...

With so many ethos that the stars themselves hold, for they are many and their powers vast, there lacks a unifying wardrobe of the church. No single cloth anoints a priest nor do they hold a singular color to represent themselves. Instead, the only unifying edict is a sigil of the Constellation of Leonaus proudly displayed somewhere on their being (be it a lapel, a necklace, or a design across a dress). Many choose to color their constellation to the branch of church they belong to, though this is not required.

Core Beliefs

Quote:Once, all the lands followed the rule of angels and strove to follow in their footsteps. Yet time and again were Angels, in their infinite capacity, proven as fallible as humans as they waged war again and again, threatening to tear the world asunder. Men realized that they could not be followed, nor trusted, just as one could never fully trust their fellow man. Thus the sky was scoured and the heavens viewed, desperate in an attempt of guidance.
And as the northern stars guide the traders to the gates of civilization upon their long journey did the constellations above, too, guide the hearts of men to their new heavenly host.

Stars stand as primordial creations of an elder god, bestowed with purity and willpower yet still lacking the greater devils that sapience brings. They know no evil, no doubt. They know only duty, holding a purity of will. Beacons of renewal and rebirth, perpetually burning upon a celestial pyre that rids the world of evil and blessing it once more with good.

Swiftly they became a symbol of hope and better tomorrows.

Inherently, the tenants of the church are basic and simple.

Respect the heavens; the stars are fundamental creations of sheer good in the world. Their judgement trumps your own and their will shall not be questioned.
Do no evil; The stars exist to rid evil from men's souls, and the clergy need be a reflection of this. One should strive to be pure as possible.
Combat heresy; Heresies taint the souls of unsuspecting men with wicked ideals and cannot be suffered to exist.
Root out corruption; Purify the land, allow none to warp the physical world with tainted energies and eliminate magics that would try and do so.
Aid the weak; The stars do not care about the strength of one's soul, only the purity of it. The Church idolizes a pious pauper and demonizes a heretical Knight.

Titles and Ranks

Quote: Wrote:Starseer:The speaker of the stars selected through the divine insight of the King & Queen. They are the direct ambassador of the star's will upon this plane and revered as highly as the stars themselves. To become a Grand Priest is the highest honor for any member of the church to hold.
Stellus: The executor of the Grand Priest's will and vision as dictated from the heavens above. There is a High Priest for each star within the Constellation of Leonaus, each held to the highest standards of faith and virtue. They function as the head of their particular branch, approving the entries into the codex and overseeing the operations of the faithful within their jurisdiction.
Bishop: A veteren and revered priest, the Bishop represents a mastery of knowledge of the faith and a powerful center of spirit. In times of need, they act as neutral judges when presiding over pressing legal matters. Further, they act as a point of escalation in religious disputes and resolve debates between other members of the faith.
Priest: A fully realized member of the the Faith. Priests hold a variety of duties, but most typically find their days lost in study, research, or direct action on behalf of the church. A priest acts as an administrator over Deacons, allocating their tasks and overseeing their charitable actions. Further, they also begin work on making new additions to the Codex Cosmos.
Deacon: An official member of the faith with all standing powers that it grants. Having mastered the codex and honed their spiritual center, a Deacon has successfully become a full-fledged member of the clergy. They now fully represent the church in their day-to-day actions and can host their own sermons / projects. It is not uncommon that Deacons are sent on missionary work to outside lands, or even to less well-off districts of Osrona itself in an effort to uplift the people.
Acolyte: An aspiring faithful of the stars. An acolyte is one with the drive to succeed but without the knowledge or experience to do so. Often younger, sometimes even barely into their teens, Acolytes spend much of their time that isn't locked in prayer or study following around older Priests and Deacons in an effort to glean experience from their day-to-day lives. Like a squire to a knight, an Acolyte is expected to support the clergy in all that they do and question few of their teachings. Many men and women fail the trials that face the acolytes with only a select few becoming deacons.

You can state your interest to join in this thread, or if you'd like to do so anonymously, use the roles sub-forum. You can also approach a Priest in-game if you are seeking to enroll in the The Pantheon of the Celestials.

Quote:Character Name:

Background / history:
Interests: (What do you wish to learn?)

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  House Pelleaux - Starlight Scholars
Posted by: sishio - 11-15-2019, 02:32 PM - Forum: Pre-Meranthe - No Replies

[Image: 0Fvmzo8.jpg]
Take heed not to fall into the traps of undue ambition and foolishness. The true worth of a Pelleaux is seen in their ability to measure - to take the correct strides forward, and not a single inch more or less. Measure - that is the essence of our great house.

The House of Starlight

The great and noble family of Pelleaux is a clan of overseers, academics, and researchers housed within the highest echelons of Osrona's society. They are chiefly known to administrate the largest magical school located inside of the city, though their influence does not end there. In the halls of businesses, research conservatories, and the bureaucracy of the city, it is not uncommon to find a Bluecloak - a name commonly given by the masses to a graduated member of the family - striving to improve the work set out for them. 

Members of the Pelleaux household who are not part of the school are often incredibly sought after consultants and researchers, capable of lending their vast pool of learned knowledge to those who need it. Often, large businesses in the city will dedicate a significant sum of crowns from their budget to keep a single bluecloak on retainer, such is the value of their word. It is not uncommon for other places to request the presence of a Pelleaux for a short while; knightly orders that find themselves lagging behind, as well as various guilds in the city, often find themselves requesting the attention of the noble house to improve what they are doing.

The house itself is not without black rumors, however - it is an open secret that many of Pelleaux harbor a disdain for those without sufficient education or knowledge, regardless of whether the individual has the means to acquire it. There are hushed stories of a Pelleaux coming down into the lower districts to teach, only for a single individual to catch their ire - and a significantly more serious lesson being taught to all involved. Public works that Pelleaux often head can lead to additional friction - the destruction of tenements, and gentrification of several areas in Osrona, can be attributed to the inspiration of one from this house, much to the discontent of the poor who lived in those places.

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  Woodland Tradition, Abandonment Principle, and a Life of Stewardship
Posted by: QuackQuackAttack - 11-15-2019, 01:09 PM - Forum: Lore - No Replies

Woodland Tradition and Abandonment Principle
By Rossana Oakland, Beastkin

(OOC Note: This is meant to be a historical document of sorts that was made by someone who was not the most impartial judge. This document would largely have been ignored by many of the people in Esshar's urban areas, as they found no reason to communicate with the beastkin once they left. This foundational record is meant to be interpreted by the reader who comes across it, as the Woodland Beastkin Community may have shifted and morphed since its inception.)

In 710 AC, only 12 years after the Bastard Rebellion, people began to view beastkin as a scapegoat for the uprisings and instability in Esshar. Beastkin were subject to derogatory terms on the more benign end, to being denied services for humans and being expected to 'act as an animal should'. Soon beastkin found themselves being evicted from their homes for 'being dirty', and many found themselves homeless and in need of help.
The tipping point arrived with an anonymous publication from a vocal proponent of the division between humans and beastkin, and the anonymous publication gave an ultimatum to the beastkin: Leave, or Die. Despite no proper backing, from other sources, nor proof this event would occur... the beastkin did in fact return to the woodlands, and began life there.

Soon, a new society formed in the woodland, and despite differences between the beastkin themselves, they understood the collective suffering and oppression that arose from humans, and so the Council of Forests was formed. The Council of Forests brought the most elderly male and female of each tribe to discuss the matter of conduct in the forest. The Council of Forests then created a list of edicts that sought to restore and revive joy in the beastkin:

  1. The Edict of Song abandons the notion of script and writing as core to society, as the beastkin were slandered by the script, until all was putrid ash.
  2. The Edict of Distance abandons the notion of hate and resentment, as the beastkin were once hated, now the two wolf packs remain apart, but alive.
  3. The Edict of Harvest abandons the notion of rich and poor, as the beastkin follow a loving ruler, the rule that reigns over both the greeting to, and farewell from, the world.
  4. The Edict of Gratefulness abandons the notion of grandiose gestures, as the beastkin find comfort in small things they held onto, like a child to their toy
Together, the Oral Tradition from the Edict of Song, Separation Tradition from the Edict of Distance, Life Tradition from the Edict of Harvest, and Innocence Tradition from the Edict of Gratefulness formed the Woodland Tradition, which then informed various policies and rituals that all beastkin would have partaken in:
  • The Oral Tradition and Life Tradition gave way to spiritual music, born from both the mount and valley, the air and river. As the moon ebbs and wanes, so too must the mind, and its flow. Acceptance of the flow of mind is vital.
  • The Separation Tradition and Innocence Tradition gave way to collective guardianship of children, as the child must be carved from a piece of wood slowly, or the wood chips and shatters. Nothing is to be done in haste.
  • The Separation Tradition and Life Tradition gave way to the Tribe of Adaman or "Tribe of the Muddy Ones", where people who wish to experience the Woodland may live, cutting themselves from the outside world, but only their children will be accepted by the community. Blood will only make the good vine slippery.
  • The Oral Tradition and Innocence Tradition gave way to the Naive Expectation, a song reminding not only of where they came, but where they must go, for if the Woodland wakes up to the world dark, twisted, and real... They would return in full force back to the cities.

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