ferrousLeonineIC Rumors Thread
This thread is for propagating rumors characters would have learned IC through gossip, on the street, or via informants. Rumors can be positive or negative, and about your character or another you're aware of IC. 

Bear in mind rumors shouldn't be your character speaking directly- if they have an IC proclamation they should take another route to announce it. If you submit a rumor it will be anonymous, and from the perspective of the nameless masses that make up the people of Esshar. Ideally, rumors will serve as a RP hook and should be engaging to other players to hear.

Example rumors might be 'I heard one of the Exarch Knights is willing to teach people his magma techniques' or 'I heard Vriska McFruson secretly practices the occult'. 

And a bad rumor would be 'People say (my character) is the strongest' or 'Tattles Mouseguy knows Death Magic'. 

They will be posted anonymously and sporadically in this thread, at least a couple times a week. Staff reserves the right to exclude submissions we deem to be unengaging or in poor taste.

Rumor submission: https://forms.gle/vibrNdfgW4BoLAw6A
Word on the street is...

...Dame d'Neuaf has been seen dancing at a beach. Superstitious locals thought they'd seen a siren...

...The street urchins in the poorer quarters of the city have been speaking, incessantly, of a rat that can speak as though it were a man; some claim it can cook, too...

...Sir Vandigan is looking for new cadets to train for his Lion Knights...

...the Pelleaux household has begun sending the younger scions of the house to conduct 'field training' on newer businesses. Permitry, taxes, and contraband are checked stringently by some younger members of the household, making certain that the less-watched cogs of the city remain clean and free of unproductive defects...

...Ya know that Syndicate? I heard they're getting most of their recruits from all those slaves we took. Miserable bastards kept their grudges for years...

...a lone urchin has been going around killing stray dogs in Sudbury... and some pets, too. Some grieving families might pay top dollar to have him gotten rid of...

...The killer of Giorgios cos Kalogera and his maid two years ago was not an isolated assault at all! Word says it was orchestrated by the Syndicate...
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
I heard that...

...Some of the nobles won't even allow you to save them of yer' a commoner, it's best to leave em' dead...

...Sofia ven Pelleaux has the hands of a man, perfectly suitable for blacksmithing...

...Some woman in a maid dress was looking to teach people energy magic...

...there was a fight that broke out within the city walls. The reason? Two people apparently feuding over a decaying boar head, with maggots and everything. Halfway through the fight, the one with the decaying boar head, broke it and consumed it to the disgust of the populace...

...The new Commander of the City Watch fought a bear... and WON...

...Those in the slums are unhappy with the First Light and City Watch, believing the city's nobles are in need of a lesson after wandering into the Slums on a whim and surrounding them with a knight squad...

Really now? But I was told...

...The Knights, the Watch, and the people of Sudbury got into a very loud, very vocal argument. The Knights were seeking to push their authority in order to pacify the slums, but the Watch intervened to attempt to be a neutral third party between the two...

It even got as far as...

...the Commander of the Watch declared he was against the First Light due to their mistreatment of poor people.

Either way...

...bad blood is spilling all over between Sudbury, the Watch, and the First Light. Storms a'brewing.
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
I heard someone say...

...Exarch Vandigan has a bunch of cadets, and a brutal training regime. Most don't make it past a handful of days...

...the residents of the slums may be planning an uprising against the Knights of The Order of the First Light. It started off as throwing rocks at them, but unrest seems to be building among the people...

Really? That'd explain why...

...Many of the slum dwellers have started arming themselves...

And because of that...

...Some of The Nobles are sending people to spy on us in the slums... Apparently they didn't take too kindly of us kicking their lapdogs around, it makes you wonder who you can trust, don't it?...

Wonder if that's related to

...a certain little missy of House Astor who wants to trot into the slums all high and mighty and look down on the slum rats....

I'm not sure, I heard...

...one of the daughters of House Astor is doing what she can to rally people and protect the poor...

But also...

...Mercenary bands are starting to pop up all around, but some of them are fronts for organized crime...

...A black market has been setup somewhere in the slums...

...Some idiot's went and experimented with mixing alchemical ingredients that never should be mixed again. Whole damn artificery is a safety hazard because of it...

...A cloaked figure has been seen in Sudbury buying up warehouses around the district...

...one of the Exarch Knights flaunted their power to scare a bunch of Sudberry teenagers...

...various horns (of the musical variety) have been found in different bushes and back alleys within the noble district...

...The owner of that Dojo up on the mountain has a dark past...

...the Blazing Lion Knights went into the square and arrested everyone that just looked at them, and then forced them to chop trees until they paid their fine!

...Miners are being mugged and threatened right outside the city gates. The economy's recent downturn has riled up the slum-dwellers...

...Adrielle Solenne stands around all day, being absolutely useless to the Order. Such a disgrace!

...old Jeanne Stallard - The Exarch - Walked all the way down to Sudbury to bash her Knights and call the First Light a shoddy bunch of screw-ups. I saw her making deals with Rhoynish and saying the City Watch is better in every way!...

Did you hear why? I heard...

...Jeanne said she felt the knights were better when they were an unabashedly military, near-fascist force. Not only that, but she also admitted they were now just a bunch of irreparable drunkards with power issues!

I heard it was more like...

...Exarch Knight Jeanne Stallard insinuated that the Order of the First Light is comprised entirely of "alcoholics and those on a power trip." Furthermore, she suggested that the military was inferior to the City Watch...

What else is new? Oh...

...House Morneau was broken into by a masked assailant. Other Noble houses and business may be at risk...

...Lisa Howlette commissioned a wonderful drawing from Lander cos Mundis of Lady Sofia ven Pelleaux! It accentuates her hands...

...Charlotte Teatime, servant of House Astor, is a master in at least seven different fighting styles and was once an assassin before she was trained by the school of maids...

...some Rhoynish are planning to host some Festival or someone in a year or so. Apparently the people of Sudbury are invited, so long as they aren't First Light...
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
Word goin' round is...

...There's someone digging up bodies in the graveyards. Word has it the City Watch is on the case...

...some Drakanite claiming to own a hunting guild got stung by a stinnox recently in a nest. And now they say she's trying to find a few people to help get some revenge on a massive "Queen" Stinnox...

...a Bluecloak was seen bribing a priest, what did they do that was so bad?

...The artificer, Sean, apparently hires shady people to 'shake down' his competitors...

...the slums shouldn't trust the church. They are planning rotten schemes. Be aware...

...a female bandit dressed in white robes has been seen robbing individuals passing near towns on their own...

...a woman that smells of disgustingly strong of perfume that lives in the slums. You know she's the leader of a gang, right, and word is she's looking for potential prospects...

That Vandigan guy... He just arrested some girl for asking for a few coins!

...a guy named Rin in a blue cloak is a violent murderer! He apparently murdered several people in broad daylight with his gang.....

...there's an old, green-hooded sorcerer that wanders the outer districts at night donating waterskins and canteens to whoever they pass by...

...Someone's been handing cigarettes to children on the Slums...

...A peasant farmgirl has been seen in the richer parts of town, setting up a shop. Some of the more wealthy are a bit disgruntled at this...

...the High Priest allowed all the people of Esshar to sleep in the church if need be, "Know that our beds are open to all who need rest and warmth..."

...A lady has been roaming around giving food to the poor, and without prejudice, as even the noble visitors have come to eat. She says she can make five piece of jerky from one!

...there's a new tavern in the Sudbury that welcomes all. Apparently it even buys alchemy ingredients...

...Elijah Solius endangered a lot of people during the Seminar. That demon could have killed people!

...some of the nobility aren't above practicing less... elegant forms of magic. Does the crown know, I wonder?

...Nemein Sparda beat up a kid in the middle of the park, without giving him the chance to ask for forgiveness...

...Messaris sure was lively last night- sounds of a violin echoed through the dimly lit streets, as several people danced to lively music. It is said the orange-haired musician is slated to perform at the gala soon!

...there's a roaming paragon of the olden days. A monster, a cryptid of great renown in the deepest hearth of the forests. The Road Lizard, half man, a quarter lizard, and a quarter demon...

...there were a fight between two Magi of the same magic near the Cathedral that resulted in broken fences, walls, and they nearly disturbed and destroyed the graves...

...There was a recent scuffle in the Slums without regard for those nearby between two Rookie Watchmen, apparently over the fact both of them had brain damage and didn't want it treated...

...During one of the lessons at the Dojo some white-haired guy barged in and beat the owner of the Dojo up, right in front of all his kids and students. Now the white-haired guy is making his own Dojo somewhere...

...House Pelleaux is hiring mercenaries that are fronts for organized crime...

Really? Well what I heard was...

...Sofia ven Pelleaux, the noble with the man hands, hired on a bunch of thugs just to beat up one guy in the slums!

Thugs? As far as I know...

...the jester of the Pelleaux family likes to visit the slums to viciously assault the people there...

Perhaps these rumors are why...

...Lady Sofia ven Pelleaux has taken to wearing gloves recently, and always seems to be on the verge of tears when walking through the streets.
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
"Did you hear...?"

...There is a strange boy in a bunny costume that believes himself to be a lupin. He becomes aggressive if told any different...

...one of the Watchmen closed a stall for “spreading revolutionary ideas” to the slum folk... He even said that it was silly to give that stuff away in Sudsbury because nobody could read there!

...Balvarous forges gear for free if ore is brought to him...

...The head priest seems to be quite the nice guy, he has been seen consistently helping the down trodden...

...The lack of ores have resulted in people sleeping in the caves waiting desperately for a new vein to be found...

...Rhene Lasko is looking for more suppliers for the Artificer's Guild, willing to discuss favourable deals with anyone...

...Sofia ven Pelleaux has taken on foreigners and gutter trash for company. These -lowborn- were even allowed to stand beside the Nobles during The Greater Osronian Gala of Aerandale...

"Is that right? Could explain why..."

...Sofia ven Pelleaux's guard caused quite the stir at the recent gala, putting the party to a halt when he started slinging insults to those present... What was she thinking, bringing a foreigner like him?

...Gerald cos D'Arnette wishes to see the lowborn utterly erased from existence. His reasoning is he pays too many taxes....

...the Montclaires' black hair and dark eyes come from Rhoynish blood.. How scandalous...

...Lady Erika cos Salis is looking for those lowborn to do work for her. Maybe she pays well?

...Valero lei Montclaire, a sworn knight of House Pelleaux, has allegedly taken in a couple of kids from the slums and just allows them to live in his uncle's residence...

...The order may be closing down the mine, enforcing it with guards to take over the supply of ores...

...The Knights barely beat back those terrorists from the slums! And I hear one of them even lost an eye! Shouldn't they be better at their jobs?!

"Well... one knight did his job..."

...I heard Elijah Soleis single-handedly fought them back!

...The slum Artificer known as Zack was seen speaking with one of the Pelleaux, probably some sort of a deal was going on...

...A tavern within Sudbury hands out meals and drinks to the needy...

...There's a black-cloaked, silver-masked person wandering around lately. They seem pretty spooky and don't talk, I bet they're some kinda dark mage...

...During the Syndicate raid upon House Pelleaux, Claude vey Pelleaux is said to have simply continued his revelry amid the fighting. Drinking and eating deserts even as the chaos reigned...

..a Rhoynish woman in the slums is willing to pay a thousand coins for a Blackout potion...

...some of the Knights suspect a member of the church was amongst the masked Gala attackers...

...some kids from the slums have been making up false crimes, trying to get the knights to arrest random nobles!

...There's a knight supposedly teaching people energy magic. Too bad they're a beastkin... Who even let them into the army?

...In the early mornings of the night a Bluecloak was seen entering into the city from the western gate with a band of cut-throats. They where all covered in filth as if they'd been out digging something up... But what?
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
"The other day I heard..."

...Some of the farmers have been talking of odd tracks around mutilated and half chewed cattle. One of a reptile, and one of a large footprint in tandem...

...the denizens of Sudbury have been moving into Messalis, there goes the Neighborhood!

...A young teenager approached Lady Sofia Pelleaux and Lord Arrian Brienne about works with Biomancy. That's rarely up to any good... why are they letting commoner work with it?

...Cicero Morneau is searching for servants. It might be a good way to make some money...

...Caesar Fantasia, known Sudbury tough guy and hothead got completely annihilated twice in sparring against an old fortune teller woman, much to his embarassment and the delight of onlookers...

...Rin has been convicted for aggravated assault by the City Watch and has been jailed for a year!

...The corpse of a red-haired boy was found in the Osronan park. The corpse was recovered by knights. Who could have done such a thing...?

Nobody knows, but...

...A crowd had a small vigil for the dead man. The Knights who left the body laying there ran away moments after, and no one knows the corpse's name...

I didn't hear about any running. I heard...

...Yvel Endore, a Knight of the First Light carried a dead body into the Cathedral of the faith. This upset some of the priests by disrespecting their holy grounds...

Guess that's why I heard...

...Two members of the Order of the First Light left a corpse rotting in the middle of the chapel by Sudbury.

...there's a blood mage working as an Artificer! They've been seen using their own and others' blood for their weapons and armour!

...one of the cadets tried to hold a party for all his friends, but nobody showed up! Poor guy...

...The City Watch attempted to break into the gala against warning from The Order!

...Atrosus Vandigan is parading around the slums and finding any excuse to arrest people. Rumor has it, Gerald cos D'Arnette has paid off The Order to finally begin culling Sudbury...

...Many farmers of late have been complaining of many gifted Magi fighting near the farmer's market and farmland. Many are concerned their crops could be at risk and wish the law would do something about it. A young farm-girl is heard saying: "Without crops, no one gets fed! Please protect your crops!"

...A cadet that seemed to be in Vandigan's Lions randomly proclaimed his love to Lady Estellise. Some people heard Sir Vandigan called him Cadet Tofusin...

...You know that Kurokaiyo family in that dojo in the outskirts of town? I hear they're a clan of assassins...

Maybe that's why...

...A bunch of Kurokaiyo youngsters came into the slums and started talking about killing all slumdwellers... then their father came and crippled a well known slum magi!

...People say there's an old graveyard not too far outside of town that seems to be quite lively. Some claim to have seen a bluecloak teaching there once, and apparently a blonde-haired noble kid recently tried to invoke an honor duel on its hallowed grounds...

...Exarch Soleis and Exarch Vandigan single-handedly quelled a riot in Messaris all by themselves! The culprit escaped in the chaos, but three others were arrested...

...I hear the Order of the First Light's already looking for a new radiant, and Atrosus Vandigan's name is coming up an awful lot...
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
"I think I heard someone say..."

...there is a martial artist from the mountains who practices witchcraft? He took down half of Sudbury and the City Watch alone!

...Lady Sofia ven Pelleaux was seen challenging Gerald cos D'Arnette to a duel, in broad daylight, on the streets of Aerendale!

Yeah! And I heard...

...as per the rules, they're to choose people to fight for them. But I heard that Sofia picked a maid, the Teatime felinae, to be her chosen combatant!

That's scary because I heard...

...she killed ten Rhoynish men with a teaspoon!

...the High Priest made his stance clear before a growing crowd in the church last night. Under their direction the church will not attempt to stop bloodshed or violence caused by the Knighthood or Nobility against the weak and unfortunate, even yelling at a red haired man who was calling them cowards...

...one of House Brienne's maids wishes to become a knight. Is that even allowed?

...The knights are convicting, branding, and brutalizing citizens with torture for the most minor of crimes, the most menial transactions, they even threatened to arrest someone if they planted an acorn in the park...

...Dame Exarch Jeanne Stallard is currently on the Dojo's trail after hearing reports of them ganging up on a commoner. She's been seen gathering testimonials all across the city!

...Lander cos Mundis fired his last servants.. if you approach him now, it could be a good way to secure a job...

..A young farm owner of Messaris was seen drawing a sword upon an intruder to her property that was refusing to extinguish their fire magic. A female Exarch knight stepped in, apparently!

...A red head lad by the name of Zuko is apparently trying to join the Order of the First Light to impress his crush, Grilla!

...Mutated humans have been sighted deep within Osrona's sewers!

...Grublings scalped a girl, those things seem quite dangerous...

...some indebted watchman was trying to coerce a noble into paying her debts...rumors abound she threatened her into it with a fine over lumber of all things!

...A certain rumor-mongering admin hopes you have a great Thanksgiving...

...Some girl in the Church is refusing to tell authorities about their recent encounter with the Syndicate...

...D'Arnettes are a family of heretics. They wield evil magics and hide behind knight and nobility...

...Ser Vandigan made the cadets of his squad crossdress into maid outfits in the middle of the park!

...Exarch Nemein Sparda arrested a Constable because he tried to stop three First Light cadets from brawling in the middle of the park! Seems like the cadets are above the law...

...Sofia ven Pelleaux was seen flaunting her power over a young acolyte of the clergy right outside the church. The tension was so thick that a nearby cadet in training was seen grabbing the haft of her spear against Lady Sofia...
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
"A rumor is goin' around that..."

...Knight-Exarch Montclaire has only held his position for a few months and he has already assembled a rag-tag 'squad'. They say he even takes in slum rats and savages...

...a dirty Rhoynish girl has been seen hanging around the Montclaire residence near the docks. Adopting slum orphans is one thing, but these barbarians?

...Some teenager by the name of Nerin scared a Church member and Lady Sofia Pelleaux with large bones coming out of his body! All for some sort of recognition. What a freak...

...Sudbury's first medical clinic has been opened up by a midget! Apparently, the place always smells like the ocean, but the doctor's feet don't even touch the floor when he sits in a chair...

...the remains of a race of frog people were found, and they went extinct through chemicals that the nobles put in the water...

...Simon Gelmont was arrested during the Messaris riots of last year. He'd initially been sentenced to die- but was spared this fate and sentenced into permanent servitude under Nemein Prada instead. Essentially turning a once a proud businessman into a slave...

...Mathias Adimaros has cheap affordable housing for rent, in Sudbury. People should seek him, if they need a home. Some may say he's working to put efforts into keeping the streets safe at night...

...the Radiant himself has accepted being Gerald's champion in his honor duel against Sofia, some even said she begun cackling like a mad woman once she found out...

...Some Ex-Farmhand bought up an entire street in Sudbury! Where does a farmhand get that kinda money?

...An upstart guild called the Thunderbird Company has been seen hanging around with a shady individual...

...A new tavern's opened in town, though there's been a lot of ruckus coming from the second floor...

...A farmgirl passing through town warns hungry folk looking for a meal to be be very wary of extremely low priced food. It might be tempting but there has been word that people have been selling spiked food!

...There are plans for a wall to be built in between Messaris and the slums...

...A potions master has become retainer to Sofia ven Pelleaux.. He reportedly sells his wares in the main hall of the Pelleaux household for a fair price...

...a bunny-eared boy has fought in the market and caused damage multiple times, even capturing and enslaving a Felinae...

...a golden-haired teenage girl snoop around the slums and go into the sewers. She's constantly talking to herself, weird!

...A woman named Priscilla played her violin in the park. It was the most amazing music ever!

...Ceres Dracoff was supposedly a Knight within the Order, but lately they've disappeared. Maybe they're in hiding?

...The D'Arnettes are up to something shady - but no one knows what! How mysterious...

...I saw Soma lei Duran fawn over Charlotte Teatime, begging for her autograph. What could a noble possibly admire about a Felinae Maid? There must be something special about her...

...Radiant Vandigan accepted an offer to fight as Lord d'Arnette's Champion, against a sixteen year old girl, Lady Sofia Pelleaux. What a disgrace of the rank!

...in the park, a blond man wearing the city watch colors was saying an Exarch overstepped his authority and that it will 'cost him dearly', the Watch couldn't be planning an uprising, could they...?

...Some strange, masked girl has been giving speeches in the slums, preaching revolution...

...A hooded figure in the sewers has been telling people ‘To seek the child with three eyes, either hunting boars or living a beggars life.’ Sounds like some sort of cult...

...There is a worrying increase on the miners that are reporting at the clinic due to attacks from the beasts inside the Silverwall Mines. The medic staff seems to be seeking for something to be done by the Crown to protects those miners...
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
Today I heard...

...Soma lei Duran and Elijah Soleis had made some rather bold statements about one of House Duran's maid's legs. What's the deal with that?

...a couple of people within the City-Watch were plotting a conspiracy to attack nobles in broad daylight! They even were speaking with the riff-raff within Messaris about it in the market-place...

...Some slum kids threw a tomato at Sofia in the market place while she was talking to the guard. One paid the fine, but she paid for the fine of the other out of pocket...

...Someone getting a group together, to kill a most powerful demon.  A nightmarish kaor dubbed "The Corrupter", that lay at the depths of the old occult-riddled Lasko mine-shaft...

...People have noticed that the noble boy Cicero cos Morneau has recently been preferring to go to the City Watch for his problems, as opposed to the much more esteemed First Light...

...Sofia Ven Pellaux is apparently terrified of accepting a honor duel from a Sudbury Magi.... Shortly after he made the request, she ran as fast as possible back to Aerendale....

...Lady Sofia ven Pelleaux is rumored to be threatening members of the press to only write positive things about her in the news...

...Fenris cos Tirel has a trio of assassin servants in his secret employ, by the name of the Sand Snakes. It's rumored they're all women wielding the art of sand and poison to their advantage, and are looking for more members!

...Exarch Montclaire showed up to the festival shirtless and in leathers, but was turned away anyways...

...there is a secret dungeon in the sewers...

...an individual clad in snazzy crimson clothing runs an organized crime ring...

...In the face of the troubles at the festival, some of the Order were speaking outright in favor of abolishing slavery and indentured servitude as a punishment, and going so far as to blame it for all this trouble!

...Certain members of the church wish to take up arms against the Syndicate...

...Rumor has it that the alchemist girl from House Duran has been experimenting with the factor of transformation found in some potions on white bunnies. Just after midnight, eye witnesses say they say various man shaped bunnies were seen emerging from the house in a angry fury...

...the Rhoynish Festival was ruined by Jasper out of spite against them. Racist?

...Some group of kids likes to play dice games in the Taverns at night. How irresponsible of the owners...

...Children have been seen going into the sewer for extended periods of time. Could be the sight syndicate recruiting...

...The sewers have faced that lead to places with furniture, is someone living down there...?

...A red-haired drakanite roams the sewers, stopping dwellers just to warn them about the Syndicate. Pretty suspicious if you ask me.. he said his last name was tushie or something! Be aware of this man!

...the Syndicate are feeding the  Swuisarme some alchemicals or drugs. That's why they're so strong!

...most of the information the Order has on the Syndicate was pieced together by a cadet...
Discord: ferrousLeonine#5759
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