face sprite offset setting for larger/smaller/weird dmi bases

probably annoying manual work but anyone strange right now gets their chest or whatever as their face sprite
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Alrighty... after a good bit of time and some internal brainstorming.

Magical Beasts get 50 vit, 80 pow. (My suggestion is lock this passive until 180)

A fully realized beast at 220 is respectively at 270 vit (with out food or vit aura, ASSUMING WE DO NOT GET PERMED)

300 pow with no aura or toggle or cast buffs

Allowing them to eat food? Yeah this is fine, I'm not really seeing a problem with that.

The high stats make sense. Limit us from grouping in terms of roaming. We cannot roam as parties outside of randomly stumbling upon one another. However if we choose to "Idle" in a location together then I'm not sure how to really police that, if we're just meant to be alone 24/7 I'll just not log on personally. No interaction is simply a boring thing.

As far as... us being strong. Our racials are a bit wild so...?

Owldrake's EC racial be replaced by Storm AOE (It's dogshit.) It can be Dpalmed or TC'ed easily and is reactable. The current spell as it is now deletes people due to it proccing twice and the STORM AOE is a cool replacement. That or the Tempest Master. Idk, something with Air will be a fitting replacement.

Cetus can keep Water Dome.

Vulpinari can keep the crappy Fire Homing just fix the cooldown 60 seconds is dumb. It's outdated.

Ogre's Bear's and Werewolves all get Ultra Smash and some other form of spell I assume? They're fine.

Lock Elemental Skurns to their own element. Literally if you pick earth you can only use earth and it's sub trees. HOWEVER. This does not limit you from Ether, Meta, etc. Only the base elements. Make sense? I think this is cool.

That way the cast buff can stay at 20% and not bother other things. Easy fix here.

Uhh.. If I missed any beast? I don't recall but that should help cover/deal with some issues regarding them maybe. Or not, maybe something is already being done? I mean, if we get gutted on stats. Hopefully something cool comes of it. We're strong, but we're not unbeatable. It's just difficult for some. Especially since 90% of the fights I see beasts are losing. It's simply a select few of us who're winning due to either our builds, or our skill as a verber if I'm being honest about it.

That's my suggestion however.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Gremlin stats are purposely overtuned since they would have to contend with pre-established characters on release. I intended to adjust them a few weeks in or so, and now that there are several 210+ Magical Beasts this is a good time for it.

As for your critique on some issues with the spells, I agree in parts and will also be making adjustments.
My only sincere commentary is that Cessation was entirely borne of Chance asking me what spell they should get. I, in response, said "give them something funny".

Thus, Cessation should not be changed from what it is currently. It's funny.
Ogres only get UltraSMASH... Werewolves and Ursine do get something else aside from UltraSMASH

Free the ogres from this suffering of objective inferiority.. the only thing they have over werewolves is the better sprite
[Image: image.png?ex=6547aa08&is=65353508&hm=f3a...54dc6db9e&]
everyone knows ogres are physical skurns, give them +15 phys pow
bedivere || discord: cornelius.treat
One simple suggestion : Give the option of the crafter who made a memento the ability to lock it for pickup, for example by ctrl rightclicking the item on the ground. Usefull for statues and alike

Second, less important for memento you equip : perhaps the ability to edit which "slot" it can be worn, the layer of the sprite when worn, and if it hides certain features (like ears, hair, etc)
Updating some of the tips that show ingame could be neat, specially with the latest new commands like /rumors or /commend and /commendations.


Apparently I may have missed that woops !
[Image: KnKplrU.png]
Idea : Allow retainers to be in scout mode as it consumes happiness. The scout mode can tell you then which people have been passing near them for a day.

This may be usefull if you want to have someone to watch over a place, like a room, garden, and so on. For 100 tokens, this may be worth the price to invest.
buff tab target range to be at least max rpb range, fights with >2 enemies sometimes mean you can't switch targets due to range
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
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