ChanceSuggest A Spell
Spell Name: Gun
Spell Tree: Armed(?)/Inventory Item(?)
What it does: You know shuriken and throwing blades. Yeah. That. Uses ammunition item from inventory. Does damage depending on item.
Requirements: Gun weapon(no longer just a sprite?)
What it looks like: .45 ACP
Spell Name: Occluded Curse
Spell Tree: Occult 
What It Does: Replaces Curse. Replaces Lifesteal. A 5x5 mobile AoE centered on the caster. When your enemy is in the effected area, any 'sustain' spell that they undergo is reduced by 50%. Additionally, it does 1.3 pow of damage to your opponent, adding this to your health.
Visual: A 5x5 ring of occultic mana circulates around the caster. Tiny little violet and orange particles, if possible, drift towards the caster to better highlight where the effect radius of this spell is.

Spell Name: Ruinous Valse
Spell Tree: Occult
What It Does: Passive spell. Replaces the function of block. When the user presses the 'block' key, instead, the bar starts empty. If damage is taken while this is active, it 'charges'. Once it's fully charged, Ruinous Valse activates with the flavor text '[Name]'s pain has wrought their emotions to a fever pitch!' DR is increased by a flat 33% during the duration. AP is increased by a flat 10% during the duration. All Occult spells have 0GCD during the duration. Duration of 12s. Ideally, the 'full' charge would be equal to 25% of the users vit.
Visual: Violet and Orange particles absolutely spray from the user, and a crater should form where it activates.

Just two suggestions for now. I'll think up more later, probably.

Suggested these because whilst I am Occult, I don't get much use out of the tree, only barring a couple spells. It's less of a 'buff me' thing, and more of a 'I wish it were more thematic.' kind of thing. Values on these spells could be adjusted however.
Spell Name: Frenzy
Spell Tree: New? Druid/Beast Master
What It Does: Toggle buff. Puts the user in a frenzy. Each bleed causes the user to get overwhelmed in the scent of blood, causing a bit more damage than normal and boosts their speed for a brief moment of time while in frenzy mode.
Visual: Swirling red aura when in frenzy mode.

Spell Name: Reinforcement Howl? (opener?)
Spell Tree: New? Druid/Beast Master
What It Does: Summons three to four wolves that constantly attack their target and causes light bleed. If hit by all wolves the last one does double damage.
Visual: Wolf pack biting their target.

Spell Name: Sneaky Snake
Spell Tree: New? Druid/Beast Master
What It Does: A snake coils around the target causing light damage, holding them in place for a brief moment.
Visual: Semi transparent snake homing in on the target.

Spell Name: Raging Tiger (master?)
Spell Tree: New? Druid/Beast Master
What It Does: A large tiger that swipes three times cause heavy damage and heavy bleed, dragging them away a certain distance. If collided with a wall does a little more damage and causes a very short stun.
Visual: very large tiger that comes out and attacks opponent.

Spell Name: Tiger's Aura. (aura)
Spell Tree: New? Druid/Beast Master
What It Does: A percentage of damage done through bleed is returned, healing them. Pressing E will cause a roar that will cause fear/confusion in an 4x4 aoe. Gives a certain amount of ap and small agi (NOT GOOD WITH NUMBERS)
Visual: E is a semi transparent tiger head around the user as an aoe effect.
Spell Name: Beat Drop
Spell Tree: Sound
What It Does: A close range spell 2x3 area in front of the caster that when cast does significant damage and causes the enemy to suffer from the 'deafened' effect for a few seconds. Deaf debuff disables sound for the enemy whilst it's active. (There are creative uses for this, I assure you.)
Visual: A heavy bass hit, followed by a crater forming, knocks the enemy back five tiles, they are slowed for a moment if they slam into the RPB wall.

Spell Name: Evaporate
Spell Tree: Mist
What It Does: Absorb your own fogbanks. Every 6 tiles absorbed reduces the CD of Mist Spells by 1s.
Visual: Caster starts absorbing their own fogbanks, this is your sign.

Spell Name: Flash Fog
Spell Tree: Mist
What It Does: . Whilst the caster is immobile a fogbank starts to form around them, starting at 1x1 and growing larger the longer they remain stationary. Casting any spells disrupts this effect. Same general damage as Fog Bank.
Visual: A growing AoE of Fog that maxes out at the size of 15x15.

Here are some more suggestions.
Spell Name: Blitz
Spell Tree: Fire or Explosion
What It Does: Remember that holy fire spell that shot them fireballs and left 3x3 tiles wherever they landed? That but 5x5 cause everything in dis game be bigger.
Visual: fire ball flying at person followed by explosion
[Image: colette.png]
Spell Name: Schrodinger
Spell Tree: Time/Illusion
What it does: Summons two of you that just runs around, lasting 10 seconds and with a limited health. Untargets you from the opponent. Opponent has to retarget you and hope it's actually you.
What it looks like: Player
Spell Name: True Werebeast/True Carnal Instinct
Spell Tree: None if its sig. Beastkin if master. OR, its a sig that beastkin is able to achieve and unlikely for any race except human.
What it does: Same stats as Carnal Instinct, but toggle and stackable with aura. OR, a direct upgrade AND toggle with it being 15% ap and crit/agi but for compensation its a sig thats pretty hard to achieve.
Visual: Carnal instinct. But maybe a bloodlust aura as well for aesthetic, or a aura flare indicting its' beastly nature.
Spell Name: Wormhole
Spell Tree:Gravity
What It Does: Create one point(A) at a set location, lasts some amount of time, like blink. Then within a few seconds of first cast, the user can recast another.  If timed properly, the recast redirects an enemy projectile/wave that is fired at the user,  warping from point b to a.
Visual: Wobbly portal stuff

Spell Name: Subterrenean Expedition
Spell Tree: Earth
What It Does: Dash like attack, but more so skillshot-esque like plasma leap, flameslide, and fatal.  Briefly become invul during the dash. If a person's caught in between, they are rooted for two seconds, then have mud applied for an additional 1 once they are free. Very low dmg.
Visual: user becomes invisible, but location is tracked by an expanding rift, like an elongated earth trap.
Spell Name: Glitter Bomb
Spell Tree: Crystal
What It Does: that gives 15% dr while in it, and slows the enemy. ALSO as glitter sticks to everything, once they leave the area they are still slowed for for 5-10 steps till it shakes off.
Visual: Large AOE (like pond) but of just sparkles (can add recolor options depending on what master aura you take)
Spell Name: Submission (Not gcde) 28 s cd.
Spell Tree: Unarmed

What It Does: Must be used on a target affected by:{cc, slow}you start subjulgate the target, after you cast the spell and enters in a submission state, you must press the spell again to cause 2.5 sd and remove 2.5 DR , at max 4 tiks damage dealt(10 sd 10 % dr), the dr reduction stands for 6 seconds after the spell duration is over (remembering again gcd is trigged at end so its really 4 seconds)

-Max spell duration 6 s 
-Enemy can resist by attempt block the tik of damage, if he blocks 2 tiks the spell ends before max duration, while in this stage enemy cant hold block for more than 1s, and have a 0.5 cd before he can block again, but the same goes for you in your casts for cause damage, 0.5 delay between each.
-You can block while on that stage to feint a damage tik
-If you cast submisson after "grapple" you cause a insta 10 sd damage to reflect the takedown.
-If you cast submission of any target affected by any kind of "stun" you deal 5 sd damage from takedown.
-If you cas submission in a target affected by any kind of slow? there is no major effects.
-None of the 2 players can cast spells while in this stage.

Visual:A simple grapple animation, on attempts to cause damage there is a animation where the character lowers his hands and have a delay of 0.5 between the damage apper, to give chance for enemy react, kind of a minigame.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
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