The greatest Fleshcrafter ever seen in Esshar, Nidaz Vanreth was one of the most important figures of the 19th century AC. A loyal Iron Councillor of Achyon who pursued the art of Fleshcrafting to heights not even its creator could match, Nidaz became the first Essharan to master True Necromancy in century, and quite possibly the first Essharan Lich ever.
During his mortal life, Nidaz behaved as a true agent of his city. His clothes were always formal, with pieces from a suit and also an overcoat, in addition to equipment used by the Hand, most bearing a green color.
His physical form was that of a man of medium height, with extremely pale skin, silver eyes and short hair always combed. His appearance was always the same in life, changing only in the number of the scars of the numerous conflicts that were part of his life - as well as the changes of old age.
Lich Form
In his immortal form, Nidaz is nothing but a skeleton with flaming eyes, but given his powers over flesh manipulation he is able to change his form freely, so much so that he currently adopts one of a much larger than normal entity, having its body formed by chitin while it is covered by black robes, mainly an armor that has a life of its own.
In Life
For those who once knew the scientist, they would discover that he acted strangely - but always keeping a formal and polite tone, which changed depending on the situation. Something that was quite notable was his excitement when talking about projects - mainly those that he himself made.
He always walked upright, maintaining a formal composure - while conversing using relatively sophisticated words in order to demonstrate a certain degree of basic schooling - as well as possessing a tone that appeared to be serious all the time but actually was not so much. He had tics like organizing, always fixing what he could, in addition to repeating words sometimes.
In the presence of occultists, it was clear that he was irritated - but he held his ground, knowing the usefulness of such powers, even if he didn't like them.
He had an extensive collection of watches, which he made a point of showing to those closest to him. Not even he knew the reason for having such a collection after a time - he just started collecting overnight. When heard to speculate on the subject, he assumed it was ‘maybe something about Ryker’.
As a Lich
Since becoming a Lich, Nidaz’s personality has altered to a degree. A restless individual when not having his hands busy, he is always doing something, generally working on his projects. Ironically, despite his now infinite life he is said to have become more impatient, scorning those who don’t cut to the chase in conversation.
Nidaz demands respect for those whom he does not know, and clear demonstrations of ability, sternly judging those who do not act in ways he thinks are right.
Being a member of the criminal family the Docros, Nidaz during his lifetime was constantly involved in relationships and other affairs, which resulted in several bastard children. However, this did not mean there were not more important relationships, and through his life Nidaz had two great loves.
His first was Lyndis, an old Synth model who in the Fleshcrafter's youth would win his heart. Her end is uncertain for many around Esshar, but records in the Empire of Barsburg’s Imperial Compliance Authority indicate that she was hunted down and terminated by a group comprising of the Synthetics Lucy and Severin, as well as Julius pyr Aertas and Nidaz himself.
The other person who stole the insane scientist's heart would be Hina. A Kitsune, who through their brief conversations and other factors, would manage to tame that being - or rather, attract the infamous fleshcrafter’s interest, something that would then change the woman's life forever. Not even Helheim could separate the two after her death - following her murder the Lich tore a scar in the fabric of reality directly to Helheim, to seek the soul of his beloved and successfully return her to the world.
Over his long life Nidaz Vanreth developed many abilities, some considered to be unnatural. From the most mundane things like reading, writing, instruments and so on - to the most sophisticated arts anyone could handle.
But of course there are abilities far more remarkable than others.
His signature was clearly the art of Fleshcrafting, a skill he learned through Trik's teachings - practicing it for years in order to develop war machines (abominations) - body improvements, ways to control enemies, damage repairs, and other things as well. Nidaz is rightly considered by most to be the Master of Fleshcrafting, unsurpassed by any others.
Necromancy, an art that guarantees its users the manipulation of souls, having the ability to bring people back to life under a necromancer's command. Nidaz developed this ability after extensive research into hidden knowledge, a little push from a Primordial, and the accumulation of sheer power over decades of life.
Riftmancy, an art that literally tears the fabric of reality in order to create portals that can be used as a means of crossing from one point to another, among other things. This skill was used by the necromancer in order to travel across worlds, deal with enemies and facilitate the invasion of the Void in that dimension. The clearest use of this ability is unquestionably the tearing open of portals directly to Helheim, to acquire the souls of his dead friends.
Void Magic is an energy that brings with it insanity, but also a lot of power to those who manage to control it. Through a contract that would be formed in his youth, the Vanreth acquired the ability to manipulate such energies - later using it for numerous projects, in addition to mainly combat. While it is unquestionable that he lost his mind in the process, the practice of Void magic allowed Nidaz several insights that the sane could never hope to achieve.
Mind, his most powerful weapon and the one he used very well. His creativity and knowledge would form his path, as through creativity he was able to open doors for new projects while also expanding his knowledge to various areas including spatial manipulation, telepathy, alchemy, artificing, development of synthetics, biology, and medical knowledge, among other things.
Youth - 1786-1807 AC
Nidaz in his Youth
Nidaz Vanreth would be born in the year 1786 AC in Barsburg, into the Merchant family known as Vanreth. His parents - Edgard and Alina Vanreth - as well as the young Nidaz traveled to the distant lands of Esshar, in order to start again and seek better chances than in the capital, a place the elder Vanreths considered not being a suitable environment for their young children. Little did they know what consequences such a decision would entail.
In the city of Achyon, their new home, the young Vanreth would learn the basics for anyone's life, while helping his parents to build their business. When he reached an advanced age, becoming a teenager, more and more the young man's restlessness would start to affect him and through words that were exchanged with a multitude of people he would begin to search for ways to be more useful to that city that he had spent so much time in his short life.
In order to become someone capable and able to help in his city - that as a warfront colony was constantly at the threat of attack - the study of cosmic magic would be one of Nidaz's first focuses, a rarity in Achyon at the time, as well as seeking to enlist in the army. However, due to disagreements with members of the Achyon's Hand, this would not be possible immediately. Due to this fact, other means of joining were demanded - something that then started a long journey that would change the Vanreth's life forever. He joined the Family, the organisation headed by the Docros.
Starting out as a mere henchman, Nidaz's abilities and intellect would be put to good use under the family command, directed by the Don at the time, Luca pyr Docro. Nidaz initially focused on a study of medicine, which would give a more extensive knowledge of the human body, something that lead him to meet Trik Gutterunner, the first Fleshcrafter, who would both show this art to Nidaz as well as introduce him to Hemomancy's magic, the ability to manipulate blood.
Following this fateful encounter, Nidaz became an apprentice of Trik, starting his Fleshcrafting studies while participating in army raids against Osrona as a member of the support division. As years went by he progressed in his knowledge and skills, in addition to having made numerous contacts around and outside of his city.
In the early 1800s, attempts to invade the temple of Primordial Eos would fail, something that was needed to complete the ADAM Project. However, in the process something new was discovered; the existence of a brother to Eos, Achlys. This new Primordial became Achyon's target and the hunt for him would begin.
Expeditions would be made and at some point, the lost Primordial was finally discovered. The details regarding the encounter were a secret for years, but it was clear that from contracts that would be formed with the entity many boons were acquired - mainly the source of power for ADAM, but also a brief recap of the Primordial's life, as well as a new ability to the Fleshcrafter's arsenal. From then, True Necromancy became Nidaz’s goal, the ultimate extension of the powers of Fleshcrafting.
Councilman of Achyon 1808-1855 AC
Nidaz in Middle Age
For an extremely extensive period, the efforts of Nidaz - who had become a Councilman at this point and lost his mind to the Void - would be to conduct his research about necromancy and other such things. He researched more about souls and make several discoveries thanks to his new power, something that would aid in the development of a project by Amelia Locke pyr Aertas. Furthermore, it was at this time that his first creation would receive light, Project: Mistakes; an undead abomination who would wreak havoc on Esshar under the command of the Empire.
War came for Achyon, and Nidaz’s research came to a brief but abrupt halt, his attention demanded in matters of war due to the constant incursions against the city - still, he had advanced very far with his art by this point. While he research was halted, his practice of his art would never stop. More abominations would emerge under his command to support the forces of Achyon, such as The Lovers that would wreak havoc on the tribes of Moxtli in Captain Dimitri Asimov's quest to subdue holy spirits of that land with Nidaz’s assistance.
Years of turmoil would follow in the Vanreth's life. His research never stopped and advances were always made - but of course, so were other problems.Vampires began to emerge, along with monsters such as Andromeda that wanted to consume everything. Additionally, rampant crime - which the fleshcrafter was blamed for due to his support to the family - would cause the Empire to abandon the city of Achyon in 1850 AC, something that would bring significant melancholy and anger, to the life of Nidaz, who just wanted to serve his beloved land.
But they betrayed him, and such action would bring dire consequences.
At least in this period, he had those to count on. People like his daughters, as well as the one who had become his wife, Hina Vanreth. These would also be the ones that triggered a sequence of acts and events which lead to the necromancer's ultimate ascension to Lichdom, becoming an immortal entity and master of his art.
Lichdom - 1855 AC to Present
Nidaz as a Lich
Following Nidaz’s ascension to Lichdom, his work expanded. Mort Donjon, the Flying Stronghold would be created, and constant undead incursions would be carried, leading to the acquisition of the bodies of heroes from the past. Nidaz also established control over the ruins of Achyon and became Overlord of the newly founded Pauper. It was following this that perhaps his boldest act yet occurred; the direct opening of a portal to Helheim for the singular purpose of seizing the soul of Hina Vanreth.
But like everything else in this world, resources are finite - just like the will, the disposition of an entity such as the Eternal. Esshar no longer suited him at that time. It was not a place that could welcome what he had become, yet there were those there who needed him there - so for now he would rest beyond the peril range of those lands, wait for those in his way to disappear, to wither with time. For at an opportune time in the future, he would return and reconquer those lands that were his home; or so it is said by those void maddened who herald his return.
A Master Fleshcrafter and Necromancer, Nidaz's most lasting achievements are the abominations of undeath that he created in his time as a Councillor of Achyon and as the Overlord of Pauper. As a Lich, his undead armies may well be without end, but it is the greatest of his creations that are remembered as his favoured projects.
Project Mistakes
First of Nidaz’s great projects, Project Mistakes was the amalgamation of the corpses of traitors and enemies of Achyon, a demonstration of the power that a Master Fleshcrafter could display. Project Mistakes was - much like Nidaz himself at the time - fanatically loyal to the city of Achyon and the Empire itself. Mistakes was a massive creature of stitched together flesh, standing easily double the height of a regular person, a horrifying creation that rightly inspired fear in the enemies of the Empire, and a warning to those who would betray the city of Achyon and Barsburg as a whole.
Project The Lovers
Project: The Lovers was the aberrant combination of the bodies of Umbra Cysgol and Leilah Argyris into one monstrous creature. Standing much taller than the two had in life, this creature - a massive body with two rotting heads atop its shoulders - was the expression of Nidaz’s insanity, a horrific psychological weapon originally designed to terrorise the Fireblooded. Ultimately, however, the project was used to assist Captain Dimitri Asimov in attacked the Moxtli tribes, where it was ultimately destroyed. A warmachine of psychological terror, The Lovers left an impression in the mind of those who saw it, and many likely experienced nightmares for some time to come.
Project In Her Name
Arguably the one sentimental project Nidaz engaged in, Project: In Her Name was a collaboration between Nidaz and the Synthetic Lucy, at that time the Adjutant of Achyon. Using base designs provided to him by Lucy, Nidaz designed a Synthetic form that Lucy then created, with the two working together to infuse the desired memories to make the Synthetic function. Made in Lyndis’ memory, the Synthetic used Lyndis’ heart as its core. Nidaz’s influence, however, made itself apparent quite quickly, as the Project - deemed ‘Claudette’ showed significant deviant traits for a Synthetic, including attempting to develop Occult magic.
Following the withdrawal of Imperial support in 1850 AC, Nidaz somehow deactivated the restrictions on Claudette, and she became a monstrous example of the dangers of giving Synthetics complete free will, an occultic abomination that consumed the Nethradin Smile, killed the Supreme of the Twilight Coven, Jianyu Xi, and was the first Essharan to wield the Diabolicon. She was ultimately destroyed at some point, though the exact circumstances remain a secret.
Project Vengeance
Project Vengeance was an expression of Nidaz’s fury, spurred from the destruction of The Lovers by the Moxtli tribes. Designed as a sick eternal tribute to the creator of the art of Fleshcrafting, Trik Gutterrunner - his mentor and predecessor as Iron Councillor - Project Vengeance was designed to be distinctly rodent. Made from the corpses of two mutants and the rock ogre Karstaag, as well as several Osronan knights, Project Vengeance was a hulking abomination of rock, flesh and fury that would carry out the necromancer’s insane will.
Project Mort Donjon
The Mort Donjon was unquestionable the Magnum Opus of Nidaz’s fleshcrafting exploits. Using the corpse of a massive dragon, Nidaz built atop its bones an entire castle, a fortress to serve as his new home. Mobile, the Mort Donjon could move from one place to another with ease, the sight of it in the sky a mark of true terror for those unfortunate enough to witness it, for it foretold an assault of undead and horrific amalgamations of flesh.
In the initial years following its completion, the great undead dragon hovered above the city of Pauper, but disappeared shortly before the city was destroyed. With few able to access it by conventional means, and the promise of a horde of undead to swarm over any intruders, the Mort Donjon is the Lich’s lair, his sanctuary from the threats of the world, and his greatest laboratory to date.
Project Void Bellator
Derived from corpses of fallen Osronan heroes stolen from the city’s Vault of Heroes, the Void Bellators were the ultimate expression of Nidaz Vanreth’s will. Forged from necromantic secrets combined with Void-aligned materials, the Bellators were the embodiment of the will, strength and cruelty of Nidaz. The generals of his will, these being strode the land leaving terror in their wake - especially Famine, who harassed the Lich’s enemies for several long years, rendering many Osronans afraid to leave the city lest it fall upon them. Knights of the Void, the very wake of these being was said to drive non-magi mad, an inspire horrific nightmares in weaker magi.
The Lovers
Mort Donjon
A Void Bellator
Aeternuslyn, the Will of the Fleshcrafter: The head of the axe runs red as blood seems to shift and circulate all over the weapon, much like how human veins circulate blood. By the center of its blade, an intriguing crimson gem in the shape of a teardrop sits upon it, eerily beating much like a heart. Around it, a fleshy shell covering a sturdy protective layer protects the heart, much like how a ribcage would in a normal human body. The slightest shimmer of cosmic energies make the weapon feel star-kissed as its vile demeanor against beasts remains unchanged.
Forged and enhanced by the influences of a star itself, this weapon rends at a ludicrously stronger degree. Those who find themselves in the unfortunate scenario of getting cut by this axe makes their blood feel coagulated, making them more sluggish and an easier target for further attacks. Stardust swirls within the blood of the weapon itself, and each droplet of ichor from a slashed target seems to be absorbed and consumed by the ravenous weapon, adding to the blood that flows within its veins.
Aeternuslyn's blade and back hammer were strengthened over time using rare materials, among them was mainly the Arcanium, which was molded around it. The presence of such material was easily noticed, especially over the axe blade, which had an abnormal sharp edge. Runes were inscribed into the weapon, created from the power of a ancient cosmic seal, where such runes covered a great extent of the weapon's body, providing somewhat unique capabilities in combat, depending on the wearer's creativity.
A re-forge of a powerful weapon, one bound to carry impressive capabilities within.
Crafted by the Master Artificer Amelia Locke pyr Aertas in the year 1809 AC. Reforged by Marcel Delisle in the year 1833 AC.
Apollyon, Harbinger of the Abyss: Apollyon is not only a reinforced version of the Shroud of the Abyss. It is a magnum opus, built to embody the very essence of its wearer and serve as an extension of his will - In this case, it is made exclusively for the use of the Necromander Nidaz. Rebuilt and reforged, the former armor was reinforced and reshaped, its minerals embedded with the darkened essence of the fragment of a meteorite, and the inner padding made out of flesh, human or otherwise.
It remains extremely snug to the body of its wearer, maintaining a tight grip that allows for motion as simple as if they were using nothing at all, likely due to the liquidity of all its components.
Its interior is entirely composed of living matter, one which had its own conscience and absolute loyalty to its master - reacting against anyone who does not belong to their lineage or have direct permission from the Eternal to use it.. Where many who tried to wear it, ended up metting a terrible fate..
The armor is the apex of multiple terrible deeds, a result of utter decadence and a sample of how much power can be afforded simply by the lack of simpleton concepts like 'morality'. It is an armor that simply does not belong in this reality, bringing concepts that are otherwise too eldritch into life.