The predecessors to Eternias's beginnings once lived in the ruined realm of Atmos, a vast plane made up of nine primary planets. At the core of the dimension, and the source of life, is a nebula that gives rise to benevolent beings of pure light, the Angels, and beings of malice and darkness, the Akuma, two opposing entities that are living energy of their respective side. The Angels do not age and evolve as humans do; they are a state of eternal being linked together through a singular force, though they do have their own individual motives and thoughts.
Above all others, there are the seven Archangels that were purposed to oversee the struggle between light and shadow. As this reached its lowest point, and all forms of life that the Angels had created were at the threat of extinction, a lone Archangel, Kraus Eternia, confronted the celestial entity, this nebula of light and dark. What was discovered was enough to set a plan of rebellion in motion, and aided by two other Archangels, as well as a number of Angels, there was an attempt to destroy the Atmosian god - and every single angel and akuma with him. Only partially succeeding in this, there was a retreat and a plan of escape that was put into motion. Taking three hundred angels, the Archangel Kraus formed a new dimension, Eternia, locking it off from the reaches of his former home.
In this world... People will live, learn, and die. And the angels will be the distant gatekeepers.
Divine Spirit
The Divine Spirits are embodiments of nature, aspects of the primary forces of the world. They were the first sentient lifeforms and each served an important role in creating the world of Eternia, such as the ocean, the land, and the sky. There are five divine dragons and five divine beasts.
Ryujin (Fire)
Quetzacoatl (Wind)
Shenlong (Lightning)
Jormungand (Water)
Huatl (Earth)
Asena (Summer)
Saekanis (Winter)
Ixchel (the Moon)
Jiuweihu (the Sun)
Leonaus (the Stars)
The ten divine spirits are avatars of nature and the first of their kind; each had an important role in creating the world, such as the ocean, the land, and the sky. The five dragons - Ryujin (Fire), Quetzacoatl (Wind), Shenlong (Lightning), Jormungand (Water), and Huatl (Earth). The five beasts - Asena (Summer), Saekanis (Winter), Ixchel (the Moon), Jiuweihu (the Sun), and Leonaus (the Stars).
Ancient spirits that are in a class of their own, said to be children of the ten divine - their direct creations. Their characteristics and appearance vary from one to the other, though all are capable of shapeshifting and some are even known to walk among the humans. It is not uncommon for Primordial to be worshipped, often sought out for guidance or aid.