The Pantheon is the collective name of the ten Primordials split from Ymir, the Primal of the Pantheon, in the age of myths, even if their goals and interests do not align. Most of them are commonly worshipped throughout Meranthe in some aspect or another as they all represent different things. While it is vaguely understood that there are greater powers than the Primordials, they are still referred to as gods by the people of Meranthe for their ability to answer prayer, provide power through faith and provide solace in the afterlife.
The Gods of Meranthe
For a more detailed overview on each god, see their individual page. This is a brief overview that most characters can be familiar with.
While there are cults and religions dedicated to worshipping one god, most citizens and even priests pay respect to many throughout their life. What they are the god of represents in which situations they are invoked.
God of wisdom, leadership, insight, oaths, and navigation at sea. Enarr is prayed to when searching for guidance by kings and nobles, and those that rule justly are considered in his favour. Sailors pray to Enarr to guide their ships and it is considered that Enarr's mercy banished the divine storms of the early age separating nations.
- The de facto leader of the gods, though it isn't stated anywhere so openly. Enarr tends to have the most shrines and temples and incorporating his name into conversation is common. "Enarr let you see wisdom", "Enarr smiles at your choice," etc.
- Many of the strongest Nephilim came forth from Enarr, who to this very day discreetly oversees Meranthe.
Goddess of stars, veils, truth, lies and foresight. Believed to create the veil that helps separate the spirit and physical world. Invoked where the barrier is thin and needs to be repaired... or torn down.
- Perhaps as part of the division between the spirit and the physical world, also became associated with truth and lies.
- It is said that Gala could weave the fabric of the veil itself into brilliant silk.
Goddess of forests, hunting, seasons, grief, illusions. Creator of the Faeborne. Invoked to pay respects to nature, when eating meals, when hunting, to deal with grief.
- The enchanted forests of Nemea are like magical labyrinths that defy the senses and lead travellers astray.
- Her children, the Faeborne, feel emotions deeply while also having stronger control over them to appear collected.
- She is known as the goddess of grief as she is so in tune with nature that every natural disaster and manmade travesty weighs heavily on her soul. Nemea works tirelessly to mend the lifestream.
God of light and shadow, night and day, rivalry, forgotten places. Creator of the Faceless. Invoked in Aphros to ward against deception and witchcraft.
- For a time, Athelios acted as the guardian of Helheim, the underworld, attempting but failing to keep the chaotic, corrupt elements at bay. He wore a plain white mask that covered his entire face, and had two distinctly separate personalities that cycled with night and day
Goddess of beauty, betrayal, family, salvation. Invoked during matters of family and penance.
- Her undoing came during the divine wars when she was seduced by the angel of death, falling in love with him and producing Eos and Achlys. She left in self-exile on a long journey of redemption.
- In 1686 a coven of witches decided to call upon the dark lord in a village within the realm of Esshar. Given the corruption to the land and the lifestream Aschea decided to directly intervene, rallying the villagers against the witches. She was successful in restoring the land but was too gravelly damaged to survive after the following battle, creating the Teraphim with her last breath.
- Aschea still has worshippers in Meranthe, but her clergy and Nephlilm have lost much of their influence over the centuries following their goddess's death.
God of frost, earth, solitude, deep places, disaster. Invoked while meditating, or to avoid disaster.
- To avoid catastrophe, Enarr banished Vdali underground, where he burrowed deep into the earth and titanous caverns formed. Much like Aschea, the giant was ultimately an outcast and did not return to Vanaheim.
God of travel, messengers, gatherings, bravery. Invoked when travelling or in daring new undertakings.
- Those that study wayfinding and riftmancy in Meranthe typically do so under his teachings.
God of battle, flame, independence, greatness. Invoked in battle, grand achievements, or against necromancers.
- Ualdir was a direct participant in the divine wars against the forces of The Betrayer, serving as a general in a coalition of Sheng's phoenixes, the dragons of Ryujin, and the western armies of Lysterg. Many razings took place by the lash of his black axe.
- One of Ualdir's divine sons, Martzel, was instrumental in the recent defeat of Ozmandius Tal and his seven phylacteries, at the cost of his own life.
God of arts, fiction, dreams. Invoked for inspiration in artwork and good dreams.
God of death, love, abandonment, graves and easy rest. Invoked during funerals and (rarely) weddings, at last rites, in graveyards.
- Great debate exists in the scholarly and necromantic community over whether raising the dead is approved by Caius or not.
- Known as the 'pariah' who shirked his duties and fled early, to chase Lady Death, the primal Mortyl.