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The Empire of Barsburg is an authoritarian, jingoistic nation of Aegis. The largest civilised nation in Aegis by a significant amount, the Empire has had a tumultous history of conflict with its near neighbours, including a millenia-long feud with the Empire of Aen. Boasting the most technologically advanced society in Aegis - and certainly one of them most advanced in the world - the Empire of Barsburg is regardless an Empire straining under its own weight, only held back from collapse by its most impressive advancements.


The Imperial Banner of Barsburg.

The government of the Empire of Barsburg is a dizzying, complicated web of bureaucracy. At the top of the Basileus and Imperator, two positions of equal importance. The Basileus is the civilian leader of the Empire, and typically is in charge of the administration of the Empire, whilst the Imperator is the military leader of the Empire, chiefly concerned with warfare and border defence. The two work in tandem, and each holds a veto in relation to their respective roles. Both positions are elective, with the Basileus being selected from the Civilian council members, and the Imperator from the military members. Only the council votes.

Beneath them is the Imperial Council, a collection of the officials in charge of governmental organisations deemed important enough to be part of the governing of the Empire. Whether an organisation is important enough is decided by the Basileus and Imperator, and in some cases, this has led to departments growing out of sub-departments; the Imperial Compliance Authority, for example, was originally part of the Department of Domestic Affairs, whereas now both have a place on the Council. Perhaps the most important councillor is the Voice of the Coalescence, a Synthetic who acts as the Coalescence’s personal representative.

Beneath the Imperial Council is the Provincial Governors. Barsburgian territory is divided into several dozen provinces, each administered by one governor who organises smaller satellites of larger departments. These satellite departments answer to both the governor and their respective authorities upon the Imperial Council, resulting in a degree of overlap that fosters hostility and antagonism between the governors and the councillors.

As of the 19th century AC, the Empire’s vast borders and byzantine bureaucracy has fostered overextension and significant corruption, despite the best efforts of the Imperial Compliance Authority. It is commonly believed that the only reason the Empire has not collapsed under its own weight is due to the Coalescence’s ability to provide short-term fixes to wicked problems within the Empire.

Society and Culture

The Machine Doctrine

The Machine Doctrine is a socio-cultural program instituted in 1580 AC to reorganise the Empire into one of progress and strict authoritarianism. Little has changed since its first institution, though the methods in which compliance is ensured have. The Imperial Compliance Authority - a not-so-secret police - monitor communications to ensure adherence to the Machine Doctrine, and to be found acting in direct contravention of it is a serious crime in the Empire, often resulting in severe punishment. The key notes of the Doctrine are as followed:

  • Progress Over Morality: Everyone Barsburgian citizen is considered equal so long as they work and support the Empire, and follow the chain of command. Concerns of whether something is ‘right’ are discouraged; the question is not whether one should do something, it is whether they can do, and whether doing so will bring benefit to the Empire. This is also expressed in labour conditions within the Empire; losing a limb in a factory accident is a common occurrence, but state of the art prosthetics paid for by an individual’s employer - a right by law of the workers of Barsburg - ensures that there is little interruption in the workflow. Fatalities in factories often result in quick punishment of the supervisors on the floor - one cannot be of use to the Empire if they are dead.
  • Dissent Will Be Broken: Active betrayal or disagreement with any aspect of the Empire is crushed underfoot immediately, generally through violent force, such as tactical squads and silent political murders. Political opponents are, generally, blinded with their eyes gouged, and those who are blinded are considered heinous in the eyes of the public. Prisons are uncommon, and those who aren’t blinded are often sent to physical labor facilities, such as mines or factories to work away their crimes. Many sent to these facilities do not come back. Even despite the inherent risks, there are frequent uprisings, especially in areas that are newly conquered.
  • In The Name of Humanity: Religion is a curious topic within the Empire. While most are content to look aside and not worry about such trivial matters, a select few have taken to worship the Magitech and technology crafted by technomancers. These priests do not worship a god or a divine presence, but rather respect both the Government and the tools they produce on a level similar to that rivalling Celestialism or the Fireblooded. Though not officially recognized by the Imperial Council, these Technomancer Priests often bolster the Barsburg armies and are well known mechanics and engineers, and it is not uncommon for them to be on both the front and backline of assaulting forces, repairing mechs, magitech, and any other manner of weaponry as well as dismantling and studying the enemy weapons and armor to get a better feel against their opponents.

National Service

It is required by law to serve in the Imperial Forces.

National Service is a mandatory period of five years in which a citizen must serve within the armed forces or registered Conditional Exemption career. A citizen may begin their service at the minimum age of Sixteen, and must enlist or secure a Conditional Exemption by one month after their Twentieth birthday in order to meet the conditions of their citizenship. Following the end of the five year period, an individual may end their tour or extend it as they prefer. Individuals acquiring Citizenship outside of birth are expected to begin their National Service by the first month of their twentieth birthday or within three years of gaining citizenship, whichever comes first. Children younger than sixteen are naturally excluded from this condition, and may begin their National Service at the normal time.

A Conditional Exemption is a certified alternative to serving in the Armed Forces as part of National Service. One may enter any one guild designated as an acceptable alternative by the State in lieu of serving in the Armed Forces as part of National Service, instead remaining in the employ of said guild for the National Service period. A Writ of Conditional Exemption must be approved two months prior to an individual’s twentieth birthday to be considered valid. Some acceptable alternatives include: the Technomancers, Aertas Industries, and Larry Duarte’s Imperial Catering.


Nobility in Barsburg is granted under a handful of conditions. In most cases, Barsburgian nobility is not hereditary; the ‘pyr’ particle is commonly granted posthumously to an individual for exceptional service to the Empire, which grants the honored individual’s immediate family -wife/husband and children- access to the deceased’s pension for the rest of their lives. Occasionally it is granted to those still living for great contributions to the Empire’s security or progression; in this regard, it is more common than not for the ‘pyr’ particle to go to revolutionary inventors or high ranking military members. Additionally, descendants of a Basileus or Imperator are granted the ‘pyr’ particle for two generations of the ruler’s lineage. Only a ‘pyr’ may sit upon the Imperial Council without being a Provincial governor.

However, occasionally someone does something so spectacular that their whole family is made nobility. This most recently occurred when Imperator Walter pyr Docro secured the city of Osrona for Barsburg by handing it over voluntarily. For this service, the Docro family were made nobility in perpetuity, an honour shared by only a handful of others, including the Aertas and Volkova families. Perpetual nobility is reviewed every hundred and fifty years by the Imperial Compliance department; noble families who are not living up to the expected standards may lose the particle for subsequent generations, although this has occurred only once in Imperial history. Acts of treason, naturally, come with the immediate loss of noble status.

The particle for Barsburgian nobility is a reminder of the first Barsburgian noble. General Pyr Dobrev was an extremely capable warrior and strategist, who single handedly led the Empire to victory in the latter five of the Seven Wars during the era of the same name. Following the victory in the seventh war, which ensured Aen hostility would not resume for decades, the very elderly Basileus offered Dobrev a position as his designated successor, a position that the council of the Empire was extremely likely to honour. Instead, Dobrev politely refused, saying that his service in the Imperial Army was honour enough. The Basileus disagreed, naming Dobrev ‘a shining example of the nobility all citizens of the Empire should aspire to’. He was guaranteed a seat on the Imperial Council, and following his death the name ‘Pyr’ was officially decreed as the ‘name of nobility’, thus becoming the used particle.


Aside from Nobility, service in both the civilian and military branches of Barsburgian society may result in members receiving several potential accolades. These include:


  • Decorated Cross: Awarded for lengthy and distinguished service in a branch of the army, a career medal. Specific branches include the Infantry, Mechanised Infantry, Commandos, and Air and Ocean Navies. For example, 'Decorated Cross of the Mechanised Infantry'.
  • Order of Imperial Conduct and Decorum: Usually awarded to career officers for extended track records of dignified service and the maintenance of order in their units.
  • Barsburg Order of the Aureate Cross: Medal bestowed to officers for distinguished service in combat, and the regular success during critical campaigns.
  • Medal of Service: These are issued for involvement in a campaign, so long as the individual has seen live combat; for example, 'Medal of Service in the Esshar Campaign'.
  • Hussian Cross: Issued for dedicated and distinguished service in the Imperial Compliance Authority. Of all accolades, to hold a Hussian Cross is a warning that an individual is either highly dangerous or coldblooded.


  • Order of Nyphadora: An individual is granted an Order of Nyphadora as a result of exceptional contributions to the field of Imperial Magitech. The origins of the Order of Nyphadora is rumoured to be the result of an Agarthan fairy's involvement in early development of magitech in Barsburg, but no confirmation has even been given.
  • Order of Walter: An individual is granted an Order of Walter for exceptional contributions to the Empire is any field deemed sufficient. This is the only accolade that may be awarded to a non-citizen, and immediately grants them Imperial Citizenship. This accolade was established by vote of the Imperial Council following Walter pyr Docro and Tanya pyr Volkova's successful acquisition of Osrona.


Barsburg's Magitech is nearly unparalleled.

Notably, weapons of war and other such advancements have defined the culture of Barsburg, where the more traditional use of magic is seen as less favorable than the developments provided by artificers. Descending from the Empire of Barsburg, the exact beginnings of this pathway is clouded in mystery - while generally the Magitech revolution in the 1400s are considered to be largely responsible, whispers of everything from a shadow government of mad scientists pulling the strings to strange, otherworldly entities travelling in a floating castle of darkness that gifted the higher ups with insight are proposed as alternate theories. Whatever the case, this culture is dominant and seen in everything from mechanical eyes to ear inserts, to the enhanced firearms that trained soldiers are issued with.

The Coalescence

The Coalescence is the manifestation of the Barsburgian ideal. A hivemind comprised of the imprints of thousands of Barsburgian generals, inventors, and administrators, this marvel of magitechnology acts as a sort of artificial star and intelligence network. The stored souls of those selected to have their personas imprinted in the hivemind are reused to create Synthetics, while the collective personas are used to predict problems within the Empire and problem solve before said problems present themselves.

Every Provincial capital has a Coalescence Tower, a monument to Barsburgian supremacy that serves as a local hub for the Hivemind to offer tailored solutions to the administration of the city should they ask, as well as being used for infusing Synthetics with souls. A bold program designed to put a Tower in every city in the Empire has been on hold for decades now as resources are allocated to maintaining the Empire’s infrastructure.

Unfortunately, for all its greatness the Coalescence is fallible, and has been unable to find practical solutions to solve the greatest problems facing the Empire; overextension and corruption.


Arguably the pinnacle of magitech, a synthetic is an artificial human that's fully manmade. Lifelike skin and functionality, with an interior of weightless mythril and various crystalline cores to resemble organs, as well as heavier metals and constructs, wired together neatly. Often a group project to construct with at least several thousand runes and glyphs in unison like clockwork. While typically designed for combative purposes, a synthetic also benefits from improved cognitive functionality where they're able to process information quicker, with the downside of a lack of empathy and the more subtler clues in human interaction. Brought to life by the ritual of a technomancer in a flare of electric and fluorescent mana, the empty body of a synthetic is hooked up to a narrow tower which transmutes a soul from above into them the moment they come to life. As a newborn, they're immediately flooded with information and past memories by the Coalescence, learning the common tongue and assigned a codename in their first few seconds of coming to be. It is a capital crime to create a Synthetic without the relevant licenses, though once such a license has been acquired experimentation is highly encouraged. There is no one uniform design of Synthetics, with individual variations made for different purposes. All, however, work off of the same base schematics.

  • Appearance varies, depending on the construct. The standard issue synthetic has a natural look, though they can appear somewhat doll-like due to their makings.
  • They can absorb and deflect magic through glands in their hands, able to mitigate incoming blasts. Their own mana is a pure, dulled silver. Additionally, they have enhanced speed and strength, and depending on the model they weigh in at four hundred pounds or more.
  • Linked to the Coalescence, they often take the role of advisors as much as they are combat units. They can receive direct commands and insight.
  • They have no need for food or drink, but are fully capable of tasting and digesting such things. They're designed to be an improvement on humans, after all, and the lighter aspects of life are kept in check. They can turn off their pain receptors completely if desired, and can go weeks without any sleep (or 'hibernation'), but resting occasionally is advised.
  • Rumored to have a self-destruct module the moment in the rare event that one should go rogue, though by design they are loyal to their creators.
  • Are not - both by design and law - capable of Occult or Holy magic; Synthetics that attempt to develop the capability to use these magics are said to immediately trigger their self-destruct modules.

General Magitech

Advanced Firearms: These weapons are specialized for various classes that are trained to use the firearm. These are capable of burning, charged blasts of mana that's refined towards a particular purpose. The gunner, which overwhelms the opponent with rapidfire, the heavy assault class, that dazes and captures the foe with a strong blast of magic, and then the sniper, with a gun that's designed for long-ranged, piercing bolts across the battlefield. These weapons are often standard issue for the Infantry and Commando branches of the Army, as well as the Compliance Officers of the Imperial Compliance Authority.

Mecha Titan: These mechanical behemoths of the Mechanised Infantry stand at twice the size of any men and are piloted by an officer, strapped down in the seat with a holographic visual display surrounding them. Limbs are wired in and connected to the core controls and the center piece of the golem involves a particularly powerful energy source, with intricate wiring and advanced runework spanning out to each part of the mecha. Thin adamantite 'glass' provides a clear view for the pilot beyond the confines of their cockpit.


The Imperial Armed Forces of Barsburg is perhaps the most professional army on the entire continent of Aegis. Unlike many other nations, the Empire boasts a persistent standing army largely populated with conscripts but also holding a significant percentage of career soldiers. Serving in the military is highly prestigious with the Empire, and many see more benefit than cost. Soldiers are often better fed than civilians, and paid better than typical factory work as well, especially if they have additional skills such as crafting trades. Pay is doubled when deployed to an active military campaign, this ‘hazard pay’ extremely attractive to the average citizen. The military is split into three branches, each with their own sub-branches and ranking systems. The Imperator is the chief commander of every branch of the military.


The Barsburgian army is divided into three branches, each holding a particular role. The three work in concert for the offensive and defensive operations of the Empire, as is only to be expected. The ranking system of the army starts at Private, then Sergeant, then Officer, then Captain, then Commander, and then General.

Infantry: The typical frontline troops. The infantry is the most common branch of the army one might find a conscript in, as the training time of the average soldier is generally relatively short, and the infantry is often considered the most expendable. At lower ranks soldiers are equipped with standard gear, though as they rise in the ranks some leniency is granted for maintaining custom equipment, generally around the rank of Officer.

Mechanised Infantry: The war machines that the Empire is so famous for. The mechanised infantry comprises Mech pilots, tank drivers, artillery, and the bulk of the Synthetic forces within the army. Additionally, since 1672 the Engineer Corps has been collapsed into the mechanised infantry, serving as the defacto maintenance crews for the expensive machines. The mechanised infantry is chiefly used to support the infantry, though occasionally they may be dispatched to assist the Navy in some form.

Commandos: The Commandos comprise the elite of the army, generally infantrymen who were evaluated as having significantly greater than average combat abilities. Many magi comprise these ranks, a highly prestigious branch of the army; if you’re here, you’re among the best of the best. Commandos are used for a variety of tasks, from supporting the infantry to carrying out classified missions behind enemy lines.


The Barsburgian Navy is divided into two branches, both holding a particular role. Naturally, the two work in concert for the offensive and defensive operations of the Empire. Both branches involve a subset of army known as the Marines, though these soldiers exist within the navy chain of command, which runs from Sailor, to Officer, to Captain, to Commander, to Admiral.

Ocean: Barsburg has boasted a navy for most of its history, although they are far departed from the caravels and galleons of old. Now, the navy typically comprises of ironclads and steamships, a formidable navy that patrols Imperial trade routes and takes down pirates with ruthless efficiency, as well as supporting ground invasions of territory in the constant push for expansion.

Air: The Aerial Navy is a newer branch, only about a century or so old. Comprised typically of state-of-the-art Airships, the Air force is unparalleled on Aegis, only held back by the development of anti-air defences on the part of the Empire’s common enemies such as Osrona and Aen. Airship pilot is an extremely prestigious position in the Empire, and also the most commonly selected desirable career path in school surveys.

Imperial Compliance Authority

Where the Army and Navy focus on largely external matters, the Imperial Compliance Authority acts almost entirely in regards to the domestic side of things. Recruiting from the conscripts of the Army and Navy who score particularly high on mandatory recruitment tests focusing typically psychopathic traits (with a particular focus on emotional detachment and the lacking of empathy), the ICA is totally focused on the continuation of adherence to the Machine Doctrine, punishing breaches harshly. In theory, to the law abiding citizen, the ICA is the benevolent hand guiding them along their path in service of the Empire. In reality, many citizens live in constant fear of failing to uphold the standards demanded by the ICA, only to suddenly vanish never to be seen again. While nominally under the command of the Imperator, the ICA watches all, including the Basileus and Imperator themselves, in which case it reports direct to the Coalescence. The ICA operates two sub-branches, both with their own rankings.

Truthseers: The Truthseers are the high-level officers of the ICA, chiefly concerned with monitoring of Imperial Citizens for deviants from the Machine Doctrine. Nicknamed ‘Ghouls’ in hushed whispers (no relation to the Vampire-kin), the Truthseers are masters of infiltration and interrogation, whether that be through pure intimidation or more enhanced techniques. There is rarely a more terrifying occasion than a Truthseer dropping by one’s house for a talk, and a refusal to do so is extremely unwise. Many Synthetics are part of the ranks of the Truthseers, which also runs most espionage operations outside the Empire as well. The Truthseer hierarchy operates in a much simpler form than most other branches; Junior Truthseer, to Truthseer, to Senior Truthseer. A sideways adjacent rank to Truthseer is Truthseeker, a rank given to active spies.

Compliance Officers: The ICA Compliance Officers are the lower-level members of the Imperial Compliance Authority, largely termed with enforcing the decrees of the Truthseers. Most of those within the Compliance Officers are fit with an emotional inhibitor controlled by the leading Commander of a mission, in order to prevent emotions unnecessarily impacting the mission and also to ensure that a Compliance Officer doesn’t go too far in the course of their duty, so as to maintain the appearance of a well oiled machine unburdened with emotion. Compliance Officers are the only armed force dispatched to handle riots or domestic unrest, often with great success - and a high body count. The ranking of the Compliance Officers goes from Officer, to Captain, to Commander. Truthseers all outrank the Compliance Officers, and a promising Commander will commonly find themselves promoted to Junior Truthseer in time.


Kingdom of Barsburg - 250 AC

The Kingdom of Barsburg is established in the mid 3rd century following a decade of conquests by a Warlord named Grai Tannen. A relatively small Kingdom, the monarchy is elective in nature, with Tannen surrendering a clear succession to his children to appease discontent by the conquered cities. Tannen forms a council of the mayors of the cities within the Kingdom, who following his death will vote for the new ruler. The early Kingdom is friendly to most of its neighbours, and builds strong ties in particular with the Kingdoms of Rhoynur, Hart, and Leiya.

Coalition years - 323-400 AC

Following a series of defensive wars from nearby hostile Kingdoms and independent warlords that threaten their very survival, Barsburg, Rhoynur, Hart, and Leiya become a coalition. Given the Kingdoms all border one another, they are able to act effectively as a unified force, and form a joint military to protect this Coalition, securing their safety against larger foes. Modelled after the Barsburgian council, a Coalition council is formed, with each ruler holding a single vote. While every Kingdom contributes much, none outstrip Barsburg, who by 400 AC has become the strongest single entity of the Coalition, with over half of the joint military being composed of native Barsburgians.

The New Order - 410 AC

Barsburg engineers a constitutional summit; with the rise of the Empire of Aen in the last few decades, the Coalition faces a greater threat than ever before. The four kingdoms vote to elect a joint leader and combine under one nation and one common law, and through machinations Queen Amaya Tannen of Barsburg becomes that leader, the first Basileus. The Coalition ceases to exist, and the Empire of Barsburg rises. The former Mayoral council of Barsburg is abolished, the Empire organising into several Provinces, each gaining a representative on the new Imperial Council. The capital territories of the former Kingdoms of Rhoynur, Hart and Leiya are organised into ‘High Lordships’, the High Lords guaranteed a position on the Imperial Council and granted control over the provinces that fall under their previous Kingdoms, though all answer to the Basileus. The Rhoynish - their King considered to have lent the necessary support to ensure Tannen’s election - are granted a position of special importance as shock troops, a prestigious elite force to honour their dedication to war.

Early Empire - 411-520 AC

A period of relative turmoil. The new Empire faces a host of threats, from cities attempting to secede to attacks from the nearby Empire of Aen, who sees the new Empire as a threat to its regional supremacy. The rebellious cities are defeated by the Imperial army with relative ease, and the ‘Early Empire’ era ends when Barsburg wins a hard fought war against Aen and absorbs an Aen province into their empire.

Secession of the Rhoynur - 620ish AC

Basileus Pree Schmidt was a prideful and lustful man. While he already had a handful of concubines, the sight of newly-made High Lady Natasa Dayndros of Rhoynur’s beauty was followed shortly by a demand she become another of his mistresses. Dayndros was not pleased. Historical record is not clear about this event, but either the High Lady defeated a large number of challengers in a tournament and then beat the Basileus nearly to death before departing with her people, or she simply declared that such a presumption was a grand insult, and the Rhoynish were subsequently exiled. Natasa was a Traditionalist, who believed that the Rhoynish were better as a tribal society, and abandoned much of Rhoynish technological advancement for traditional ways. The Rhoynish leave Barsburgian territory, travelling until they settle in a stretch of unclaimed land near Esshar’s western border. This territory becomes known as the Tribelands of Rhoynur, with a city of the same name being built shortly afterwards.

Foreign Aid - 696 AC

Barsburg comes to loyalist Esshar’s aid during the Bastard Rebellion, taking part in the Red Spring and helping end the war. Through this, they gain valuable trade opportunities and a defensive ally should Aen attack, a reasonable fear given recent Aen expansion in nearby regions. Barsburg - led at this time by Basileus Dara Schmidt, grandson of Pree Schmidt - was partially galvanised due to the chance to fight Rhoynish and repay the insult from decades ago, Eros Petaris’ rebels being supported by the Rhoynish warlord Damikles of Korith.

The Seven Wars - 720-794 AC

With Esshar on the verge of collapse due to famines, poverty and general internal dissent, Barsburg loses its insurance against Aen. The Aen Empire promptly invades, and the next seventy or so years are marked by extreme turmoil caused by several Barsburg-Aen wars, with both sides taking and losing territory but Barsburg - at times during the period on the brink of complete collapse - ultimately coming out on top thanks to the leadership of General Pyr Dobrev, who becomes the first Imperial ‘Noble’ by order of the current Basileus. The conclusion of the final war - and the cumulative effect of the previous six - renders Aen incapable of further aggression for the next fifty years.

The Era of Prosperity - 800-1300 AC

The Empire enjoys a golden age of culture, wealth, and military success. The occupied territories are made Imperial provinces proper, and several attempts by the Aen Empire to take them back are foiled, along with the Empire absorbing several smaller kingdoms into its territory. By this point, it is perhaps the largest nation on Aegis, rivalled in strength only by the Essharan Empire and the Empire of Aen. With the opening of naval opportunities due to the fading of the peace barriers, Barsburg sends ships to explore the world, making contact with several nations and establishing a strong naval trade network. While around the late 13th century things begin to normalise, the Empire remains strong.

The Introduction of Magitech - 1400 AC

Magitechnological advances enter a renaissance of sorts, with ideas and blueprints from all over the world encouraging the Artificers of Barsburg to think big. More importantly, the Basileus of the time is a strong patron of the Artificing arts, and pushes a lot of funding into technological advances. Between that and Magnolia designs stolen by Barsburgian spies, the Empire quickly advances. Ethical standards are largely eschewed in the name of progress, and secularism grows within the Empire as more wondrous inventions are made, inventions that on occasion replicate the workings of the Primordials themselves.

The New Culture - 1580 AC

Basileus Vasek Hus is a paranoid man, and reports of the unification of Agartha under the Reimara Concordat sparks fears that what is seen as a young but extremely powerful realm thanks to the Spire Shards may seek to expand its sphere of influence. He determines that the best way for Barsburg to survive such a threat is to unify as it has never before. While propaganda has been a tool long used in the Empire, it intensifies to an extreme degree. Individual cultures are declared to be counterproductive to a safe and secure society, and the Emperor introduces the Machine Doctrine. Under this, the Empire is reorganised; Barsburg becomes a single culture society, one where progress is held above all. Citizens are expected to work towards the common good however the government determines it, and the Empire rapidly industrialises. The Military also is reformed, and intense ‘Patriotism campaigns’ encourage citizens to enlist for the glory of the Empire. A tour of military service becomes a condition of citizenship.

Artra and Leiben’s Coup - 1594 AC

The Machine Doctrine is more successful than it was ever believed possible. The population rapidly radicalises under it, and the Military is led to several excellent successes by the popular General Vulka Leiben. After being granted ‘pyr’ for her actions in a campaign against Aen, she begins to conspire in the background with Joseph pyr Artra, a high ranking administrator and one of the Basileus’s top advisors. In 1594 AC, the two launch a coup; Artra is the grandson of a previous Basileus, and with Leiben holding the Military’s loyalty, there is little resistance. Basileus Vasek Hus, left with no other way to save his life, abdicates his position, and a vote of the Imperial Council naturally installs Joseph Artra as the new Basileus. Hus is assassinated days later. Artra’s first decree is to make the position of ‘Imperator’, the military leader of the Imperial forces and of equal power to Basileus, as only befits a truly militarist society. With his declaration, the Empire of Barsburg finally becomes The Machine.

Invasion of Esshar - 1725 AC

Following years of conflict and disruption within the Essharan Empire, the Empire of Barsburg makes plans to and ultimately does invade Esshar. They see significant early success, capturing several important cities and fortresses before the Order of the First Light manages to rally and begin to push back against the forces of the Machine. Years of war follow, with Essharan cities including Achyon being taken by Barsburg before the First Light manages an effective counter attack. Even being pushed back in some places, confidence is high of a total victory, but several significant victories on the part of Esshar coupled with the assassinations of several dozen rather important administrators of the Empire - including a handful of provincial governors - in quick succession destabilizes the Empire, and it becomes clear an end to the war is desirable after the Essharan city of Mora is reclaimed and one of the Aen-bordering provinces of the Empire goes into open rebellion. A treaty is signed, and the Invasion of Esshar ends.

Conquest of Osrona - 1758 AC

Following several years of Barsburgian probing into whether another invasion of Esshar is practical following an short-lived invasion by the Essharan Coalition, a plan set in motion succeeds. The Essharan Empire had collapsed over a decade prior in the wake of the Sack of Osrona, and from the fallen city’s ashes a Republic had risen - one that quickly became extremely corrupt. The second Magistrate of the Republic is none other than Tanya pyr Volkova, a Barsburgian deep-cover agent, and with the agreement of Walter pyr Docro - who had claimed the rank of ‘Imperator’ in the Osronan Republic - no relation to the Barsburgian role - a detachment of the Imperial Forces take Osrona in a bloodless handover. The occupation of Osrona lasts until shortly after Saekanis passes over Esshar several decades later, the joint Nysean-Myllenoris forces reclaiming Osrona, which is returned to the Nyseans. Barsburg withdraws to the city of Achyon.

Withdrawal from Esshar - 1850 AC

Following decades of corruption and failure to secure permanent ground in Esshar, Barsburg issues a decree to cut off support for Achyon, withdrawing from Esshar to focus on its other territories, hints at a new Aen offensive and the straining infrastructure of the Empire resulting in the agreement of the Imperial Council that the city was ultimately dead weight. Imperator Walter pyr Docro is the last to sign the decree, and several months later the Barsburgian loyalists have abandoned the region.