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rustling robes of the reaper
for generations, he fought - true to his cause, only to his nature. determined to prove himself to others, yet his efforts were shrugged away - recognized only by a few blessed ones.

blessed souls by the might of his strength, knowledge overflowing to recognize beauty and effort at its best.
[Image: fEmQ8SV.png]

but determination alone was not enough to break the skies.
in a far place, not in the mortal's realm, a soul rested, and within that soul: madness took place, and from above that woman's head - only the insane would see the strings attached, no hand at all making this puppet dance. 
except for a giant, enourmous and floating eye - staring, always looking. always watchful.
but alas, as Phalanx's last breath is drawn, punches being thrown in a fight between father and daughter, the soul's energy flows out of his body, the unarmed champion's will being passed forward, perhaps forever. 
peace was found, and with his soul stricken down - the old warrior finally going to the other side.

[Image: u84xbgw.png]

to join the otherside is to meet with old friends and rivals, to join the otherside is to see people who you adore, idolize, and especially, people whom you miss.

face to face, finally, kondar's mad fox and the unarmed champion stand. in some unknown realm, a place far, far from home - far from anyone; destined to meet, destined to fight.

the showdown that never happened. the showdown that wasn't meant to be. yet... here they are. the one who inspires and the one who aspires.

one blessed by his will to fight, the will to go beyond the magi limit - to reach the stars.

another cursed by their knowledge, by the visions from outer space - or so she claims.

destined to fight, to prove something. ANYTHING.


[Image: r4wIdhP.png]

slowly, a smile forms on her lips. "you did enough" she breaks the silence of the beyond, of afterlife.
"you are indeed, the best. no mad fox could beat you now."

and thus, the white kitsune walks past Phalanx's soul.

"it's time for the megetu clan to be made known."
"and you? you rest easy. for a dark light is born of your death, these humans' lips bleed a putrid poison over your cadaver, and blood brings the vicious beast outside."

a last glance is given to the new soul, "the very thought of it falls to the flames below."

"but ah... the rain of ages plots again to wash away revelation..."
[Image: 9NfQpaZ.png]

"see you soon, phalanx landarke."
[Image: FWC20no.png]

(,,> ᴗ <,,) sowwy.......

What is after life, What is a soul if not a onion?, a single core full of layers,  countless if have enough time. countless lifes, experiences, passions, Feelings.

[Image: unknown.png]

Yes, the soul leaves the old man body, was the first time... it had peace, real peace, the right way, the way the soul wanted, the curse was broken, even with all that the soul could not let his desires out, it clinged to his feelings while started float in the infinite of cosmos, until got somewhere, or was he found by someone?

At this momment Phalanx Landarke
, finnaly got the anwser he wanted about his incapacity of using other magic, fusing with all the essences, they're all one one, Lain talked to Phalanx, and even he anwserd too.

[Image: unknown.png]

"So you the one that planted the seed, and started all this, i have to adimit, you did a great job, but im not the man you looking for, even he being part of me, he is, not me, Lacus awaits" 
The soul approaches the voice of lain, as his shape slowly turns into someone, familiar, someone that was the real one in pain, the one that created all this cycle.

[Image: unknown.png]

"That voice... what is happening, Oh is you..." 
"you are indeed, the best. no mad fox could beat you now."
"Why... you dont fighted me in that last tour.... when all was ending, you said no... that locked me in this, why ended like that... i saw you, close the boars nest, fighting people for the first time, was me there, zagreus, other people, you inspired me, yet i fought for me, you made me want a name for myself." 
He would start to cry.
That words... drilled deeply into lacus bonfor, even if they're not to him directaly, the essence was the same that each one shared... and that was what settled his burden, he would fall on his knees, without holding himself, that one that cultivated the unarmed seed into him, telling all he wanted to hear before death, all he needed to hear, no words or strong personality  would cover his need for approvation, and he was a kid... again. was the words he needed
For years, suffering alone, getting abandoned, taking this weight to the next cycle again and again, filling himself with hate, not being what he always was, a pacifist at all. not anymore..

Finnaly free.

His being started to glow, was like he was finnaly ready to rest along with all the others he knew, he could taste what just... before he could not alone.
[Image: unknown.png] [Image: unknown.png]

After he finnaly gets the peace he needed with his friends... Phalanx had to take business with the Fox...

"Go on, have fun then, im dead anyway, they will need find a way, i mean i had to deal with lamashu, so i dont care you know what i care?" The old man started so shoot all kinds of magic, his burden was free HE WAS HAVING SO MUCH FUN

To be contined....?
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]

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