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Temple of Mori

The Western Sea of Esshar.

A grave for many who attempt voyage, straying too far from course.

Finding an early end.

[Image: CIuISgi.png]

Something lurks there. In its depths.

Guarded by sirens, ghost, and monster alike.

A place of worship.

[Image: bMO4qSB.png]

A temple to Mori.

A monument built out of naivety, believing the floor of the sea to be safe.

Safe from harm and sacrilege.

[Image: 3Kx8J7v.png]

Protected by a leviathan.

They were wrong.

We come to hunt.

Attendees: Marcella, Graham, Whitney, and one or two others.
Risk: CoD
Tone: Eldritch, horror, subnautica, and void lore stuff!
Rewards: Something of value/dev for those attending, but ultimately a start to Void Maw related events. Attempting to secure an area for the construction of the location/settlement. Essentially a forceful take over of a void tainted area, as to provide a fitting location for Nidaz's new project!
DM: Looking!!!!
Just wiped out Tomato Town

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