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Times.. Of Uncertainty Lie Ahead
Esshar would feel as the Void's presence spread, the shrieking and uncomfortable feeling that emanated from every corner, the alarming visions and dissonant whispers that called for them in their dreams..
There would be no rest...
The sighting of disfigured entities on the horizon was increasingly present.. Something was hiding in the forests, something was crawling in the caves and something was under the dark waters of the ocean.
Their ever watchful presence.. Was here.

During the last skirmish that took place before the Mire Forest, one thing became clear.. Nidaz Vanreth was lurking around, weakened? Indeed.. But present. 
Still, apparently his intent was rather confusing for most, as he was apparently looking to.. Gather a new generation of followers. For himself? For Them? Only time would tell..
But one thing was clear.. The Void's Maw would rise and change should finally come to Esshar.
[Image: image.png]

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