11-30-2021, 06:35 AM
![[Image: Artificing.jpg]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/907084247779668038/915117395947954196/Artificing.jpg)
![[Image: text.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/907084247779668038/915120298297274378/text.png)
Hung up about the Waystone and the campus of Starfall Academy alike are found a number of fliers, nailed with precision to wall and board by the trade hub's heir himself.
Quote:Looking for runes, armor, or weapons that'll blow your expectations out of the water?
Need a potion right before the big fight?
Seek no more!
Find Majin Okabe or check Little Lana's at the Waystone for all your equipment needs!
In small print, the prices for popular products are listed below, many of which can be found either upon request or by checking the stock of Little Lana's itself.
Note#1: Equipment prices do not come with enchantments.
Note#2: Prices may fluctuate based on materials/anvil provided.
Note#3: Bringing food will reduce the cost of an enchantment by 150c.
Healing Elixirs - 3400c
Attunement Potions - 1800c
Attunement Potions - 1800c
Mana Amnesia - 1800c
Bluesteel Armor Set (Mundane) - 750c
Bluesteel Armor Set (Special) - Varies, speak to in-person.
Weapon - 500c
Weapon (Special) - Varies, speak to in-person.
Runic Enchantment - 500c (+50c for a weapon enchantment w/o orichalcum on hand)
Boosters - 180c per (can be negotiated)
If needed it is recommended to write Majin Okabe himself personally to arrange a meeting, otherwise approaching him in public as required is encouraged.
An additional note however is included at the very bottom making mention that the Okabe prodigy is now open to making items of a much more high quality and unique variety... However acceptance of such commissions will only be performed on a case by case basis, and only to those he sees as being of 'great potential'.
Generous payment is expected if not outright required.
Nothing but the best will suffice for the hands of the successor of the prestigious Okabe name.
Contact information:
or /message Majin Okabe in game!
![[Image: corpoggo.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/872677653772136530/1013958085448044584/corpoggo.png)