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Four names

[Image: giphy-downsized-large.gif]

When someone is in their worst momments, is when they start to reflect on the whole, find something to blame, that makes them sleep better at night, lie to themselfes, but sometimes that can be a revelation, the true, if you strong enough to face it.
"When it was the last time I stopped to think about this whole mess I call life, spend a life training, trying to create a purpose that now I can tell for sure I will never have, when the roots of something are not firm since the begin, the whole thing goes down,when starts to grow , was not different with me , i dont had a single win in four big momments on my life , some by my fault , some by chance , a single win would make this  journey feel was worth it, but was not the case."

"Four separeted phases, four names, four opportunities that i could say at his old age i did it, meh... i hope this new one im creating ,even not perfect like the other ones, give me that feeling im wishing that much."

The beginning, you were what inspired me at the begin, even learned a lot with you, until the point you saw my problem and started to make me quit, so was the momment our paths got really separated, many years later i had proved my point, i was a big shot just like you, and you denied the approvation, that i the fool thought i needed, so i told myself i dont needed prove anything, i was already the new example to be followed, but not having our battle, mean a lot to me, after that attack and you end up dying, i know will never happen again, but you were a important part in this story, my lack of attitude was what cursed this first momment.

I guess in the end you run, knowing what i had become, and dont wanted me have proved it, you so mean.

Oh, you, i had nothing more than respect, you were the figure that put fear in the others, and i saw the reason myself, the pinnacle of unarmed as i used to say, hitting like a armed, moving likea bolt, i guess i never had the initiative to get closer, yet. on my phantasies, i imagined how would be, get people fear you, being saw as a figure of power, and you were, Beat you, was my first big goal since lain, after all you were the flavor of esshar for a long time ,yet i guess never happened for the same reason, me. who knows, after you dissapered i assumed this one was another shot i missed, you the wall i have when talk about being the big shots in unarmed, but always the second one as i see.

Oh brother, me and you, two sides of the same coin, one full unarmed the other full armed, did you see why i needed win you so much? as much i needed win niffity? was to prove a point, to her? that i was the strongest one bearing martial arts? to you? that i would win a long history our styles have, yet on that tournament, i lost, pf, of course i was not strong yet in that time, that lost hurt me much, because i knew somehow, was the chance i had to prove, and i was right, at the end, again my lack of initiative killed me, and you ended up turning into a amaizing holy swordman, that dont bothered me that much, until you died, i felt i lost 2 times, that in the tournament, and now, that i got stronger and could not had our rematch.

Rest well brother you won, like always happen, what is the new?

The swet kid, another fruit, another warrior focused in blade art, you got my hopes up when you said about being able to make strike useful, and i got you at the beginning, your beginning, i really hoped you went for flashsword so i could beat you and prove what i could with haaper, i know... selfish right? helping you just to feel better with myself, even you being a such good being, i feel bad now, but... you went missing, just like haaper, so assumed you died, i felt really bad when that happened, again... another fail at my view, a seed that dont even bloomed like it should.

Is amazing in how just 4 decisive momments like that happen in 76 years of life... that's why my hopes to a new one come is real low, sometimes the perfect thing for you happens by chance, and if you not wise enough to see that and hold with all your might? you deserve feel thrash when reflect about this , old man, go back at your quarry hide your frustations with training as you been doing since the first big lost.

Quote:"Meh, luther may had died, but im the walking corpse, is fun how life like play with us, maybe the fith name will show up when i see some friend again in the other side, i will make sure is not a lose too."
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The day unarmed stop exist, so do i
[Image: butun-yolculugum.gif]

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