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Missing: Alanis' Shoes
[Image: bf029eeb64ddac6312a821e1184d949c.png]
"House Basilisk's Reprensatative lost her shoes."
"I bet it was during that time she single-handedly slew that Firaxis."
"Serves her right."

"It was taken as a declaration of war."
"Her noble status was nearly revoked!"
"How dare they steal from my Queen!!!"

"Right before the ball? That's terrible."
News of the atrocity spreads across campus like wildfire. Rumors nearly turn to the truth when missing posters are distributed all across Starfall. From bulletin boards to hallways to dormitories, they were pinned everywhere within student view. When torn down and removed by the faculty, more seemed to sprout by the next day.
What a lovely occasion!
This is a dance to remember for the rest of your days. A night of marvelous extravagance. A time to stake your claim amongst your peers for the rest of your time here at this beloved academy.
How miserable would it be to trample in barefooted?
There's no mistaking it, I've found them. How silly she was to misplace such a beautiful pair.
It could be yours; it could be hers, for the right price, just for this one night.

[Image: ab56493095df0d4e41327431c91856da.png]

Alanis' Shoes [Feet]
"They look comfortable and warm."
Boost: None


The Auction ends sometime during the Ball.
Chances are if expectations aren't met there will be no sale.
And poor Alanis would be without her favorite shoes. We can't have that, can we?
[Image: 3556e6326aef798876baeeb63f022f9e.png]
[Image: d28d87e500296a3944c19a0c1f6baf02.png]
A bold, bright red stamp covers each and every auction flier that'd been hung and distributed.
The previous announcement had been scribbled over with a marker, an updated message covers the sheet.
Alanis' Shoes have been sold for a generous sum of 10,000c!
The bidder wished to remain anonymous but has pledged to bring the pair back to its original owner.
The night's been saved. Congratulations to Alanis on the safe return of her beloved shoes.
Let us applaud this kind soul for their noble actions, everyone!
This is the true timeline. Anyone that tells you otherwise cannot be trusted. 

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