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Beware.. With what hides in the Forest
'There is something in the forest! A monster, my friend just told me!!'
'Oh no.. What should we do!?'
The fear would spread.. With the first sightings of something. An entity, a monstrosity - that roamed the outskirts of Starfall, a being which was devoid of any human countenances.. For such had been replaced by something nefarious.
The rumors were about an almagamization, an undead abomination..  A being who hunted for living beings and fed on their bodies. Living almost nothing behind..
Actions were needed, someone had to do something! Before it was too late.. For many unfortunates who ended up in the path of this being.
The hunt has began.
Risk: Medium-High
( This is a small event with a few already established rewards, the first to come is the first to get it!
Get a group, post the names here.. As well as discord, I will enter in contact )
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Name: Tanika
Group: Tanika, Aurella Dayndros, Ascella Grimmore, Majin Okabe, probably a couple of others?
Discord: CrystikRage#3004
Quote: Name: Ulysses ven Pelleaux
Group: Ulysses, Myrios, Erika, Ezekiel
Discord: three #5302
Name: Kusho
Group: Kusho, Xander, Caspian, +1 more?
Discord: Dontyoudaresmile#2358
Name: Hain
Group: Hain Dayndros Isbrand Dayndros Isenhardt ras Petrakis + 1 more potentially
Discord: Cloutio#7777
[Image: colette.png]
The group has already been selected for this event, as said, the first one to come is the one to take it!
So, I truly appreciate the interest of others, even if you are not select now.. Stay tuned as I plan to do more events during the academy's arc.
[Image: image.png]
The beast has been defeated.. The youth of Starfall returned triumphant..
But this is far from over.
Much more is to come.. Beware.
( Event completed, soon another one will pop up! If you wish to participate, keep your eyes open around the forum )
[Image: image.png]

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