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Away from the Light, something Lurks..
'Did you hear? Apparently something is going to happen.. A secret class, away from the teachers!!'
'This will be interesting.'
Rumors would spread, word for word being passed on by the young people who listened of it around the campus. That someone would be conducting unofficial classes in the underground of the academy.
Classes referring to a topic that the very mention of was something that brought chills down the spine..
This being, about Fleshcrafting.
Who would be conducting such a class was still a secret, but it would soon be discovered! At least for those who would be participating in it.
( Class will take place on the 17th, Wednesday. At 7 pm EST! In the sewers of the Academy
Teachers/people who work in the Academy are not allowed, only students and people who is there to learn )
[Image: image.png]
The year would start to move once again, the last class had been... Partially a success, considering the intrusion of certain individuals - but they had to deal with something for coming uninvited and with intentions not so great, against people who only wanted to learn something new and incredible.
Regardless.. Those who participated in the first briefing on fleshcrafting, as well as others around the Academy and elsewhere, would hear the rumors about the next one! Which was going to occur at south of Esshar in a small island cave system.
It is time.

( Continuation of the last class, advancing to the study of human bodies, circuits and everything else.
This will happen: 24th on Wednesday at 7 pm est.
Teachers/people who work in the Academy are not allowed, only students and people who is there to learn )
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[Image: image.png]

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