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A Notice for those talented in the field of Gravity Magic
Paper flyers have been posted around Osrona, stuck to the various noticeboards around the city. Each flyer is simple in design, with an identical message displayed in bold lettering throughout the advertisement.

Quote:I, Erick Falstrik, am seeking a mentor in the field of Gravity Magic. As of late, I have taken up the unusual field of magic, given its synergy with my own particular specialization, but my studies have born no fruit.

In the event you're found skilled enough to warrant being my mentor, we can discuss payment. 

To anyone responding to this message, please direct your messages and inquiries to Erick Falstrik, Blazing Lion Knight and Mayoral Candidate.

(My Discord is Tay#2309, if you wish to respond to this message. I have a slightly irregular work schedule, so we'll have to find a time good for both parties.)

[Position is filled.]

Soon after the flyer is posted, a response is already provided, and the position has been filled- should no special circumstances arise.

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