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Forged by Dragonfire
[Image: 1Qf7VHI.png]
“Sermons? Preaches? Miss me with that borin' riff-raff.
I'll show y'all how someone truly shows devotion.”
Before priestly activities and expected workings, the Forgemaster within Garljing's Coat rises from within its hallowed temples—
her lips bearing an announcement that writhes as far as the most remote reaches within Esshar itself can reach.
The Dragonforge had found itself brimming upon its blessed embers once more. The pits of lava used upon the Therian forging arts bubble with a hungering intensity as the halls
within the temple that holds the space rumbles in anticipation. A forging of the next dragonforged relic was to occur before the end of this year, an event that only occurs once every
decade—clearly a rarity of an event in action.
A chance to witness the pious methods imposed by the Naysien-blessed Forgemaster; to be beholden to the capabilities and prowess that real dragons hold;
and perhaps be able to learn a thing or two, for those journeymen blacksmiths, from a master of the craft. 
All is welcome to witness the creation. All may see history
be made before their very eyes.
The only requirement is the courage to brave the trek up the blizzard-ridden Tarian mountainscape.
Date: TBA (sometime this weekend), at Garljing's Coat.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
This will occur today, November 6.
At 7:30 PM, Garljing's Coat.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]

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