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The Hammer & Flask
[Image: HF.png]
Word is gradually being spread of a start-up guild for Crafters.
Small, hand-drawn posters being strung up on various billboards across Esshar.

Quote:"Any Door Can Be Opened, If You Know How To Craft The Key."
- The Hammer & Flask Motto -

To join the guild itself, one must be a crafter, and consent to a few rules.
The first being, a ten-percent Guild Tax is put upon every sale, for the sake of keeping the guild going.
The second, is do not knowingly sell Cursed Wares to someone who doesn't know how to handle them! We're here to serve Esshar, not harm it!
Third, innovation, progress, and creativity: The guild is all about the advancement of both Alchemy and Artificing to their utter limits!
Fourth, the Guild Council's word comes from unanimous agreement. Breaking regulations and rules set forth by them, after a grace period of two months time (One OOC Day), will result in punishment or dismissal depending on the severity.
Fifth is neutrality: The guild is a neutral party that exists to serve any and all that are in need of their services for a price. However, those that show hostility, or ill intent towards the guild itself, are likely to be denied services, or at the very least, a temporary steep increase in price, for a slap on the wrist.
Finally, sixth, is to have fun with every work! Crafting is an Art, and should be enjoyed thoroughly! Let your imagination run wild, and produce wonders for the entire continent!
Joining the guild is fine and dandy... But what if you're not a crafter of any variety?
Glad you (didn't) ask!
Quote:To celebrate the founding of the Hammer and Flask guild, a special is currently being held with every purchase (per person)! Anything bought comes with a free raffle ticket. The winner MUST submit the announced winning raffle, and once it is, their prize is entirely up to them!

That's right! For this lovely little game we're providing alongside our regular wares, there's a chance to win a completely UNIQUE ITEM! Built by our finest artificers and alchemists to YOUR specifications (if deemed possible)!
Disclaimer: We claim no responsibility for the created unique item causing temporary and/or permanent harm to the owner. What you request is what you will receive, regardless of how dangerous it is in this instance.
We look forward to doing business, and working with you!
(Addendum,  because I'm an idiot, and somehow managed to post the Guild Post after accidentally deleting contact stuff somehow... Contact Mimic#6062 for setting up related scenes!! Below is actual IC to this. I apologize for its shortness.)
Quote:To find our members? Just look for those wearing pendants with our mark! A Hammer and a Flask. Klyne Altrothe, in leu of the Council being yet to consist of sufficient numbers, is taking charge at the current Guildmaster! Feel free to approach them for Enchanting needs, or if you're looking to join with the Guild!
[Image: artistic-drawing-of-angry-aggressive-com...747778.jpg]

In Light Of Recent Events...
Quote:"One straw, two straws, three straws... And would you look at that? We're all out! Allow me to be perfectly clear. I consider myself a patient man. And evidently, as of recent? It's proven to be a fault. Alas. I must enact upon Rule Five of the guild. All services are henceforth denied to those of the Shimmering City. The bridge has been burned by your Squires." Following the trio of assaults from Squires of the shimmering city, Osrona is deemed a Hostile Entity. No service, ware, nor invention of the guild will be afforded to a citizen of the city until further notice.

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