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Dusk Detective Agency
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"There are files waiting to be decrypted...
Murders and mysterious things need to be revealed."

I'm Eichen Dusk, I'm Detective, I'm professional to my job and I'm going to open my own office soon.
If you have a job for me, you can send a letter and find me near The Docro Estate.
Our neutrality agreement continues until the work you have given is completed.

Research Service
Protection Service
Consultancy Service
Personal Training
Many services are provided.

"The neutrality agreement is to be out of the problems in the regions of the person with whom the contract is made. People's problems are not the responsibility of Dusk Detective Agency."
[Image: Screenshot_1822.png]
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It's a fucking cold night... Detective watching dead body and smoke cigarette...
Dusk thought inside deeply, why her body fucking shattered.

"Unclean and Painful death."
Eichen bent down and pat Anser's hair...

As he looked at his friend's corpse, his eyes began to examine with tears.

"Why Anser? Why did you do this... I can't help it you know that I have to be neutral I can't break the equality..."
"Boreas was responsible for all of them. Sorry, my friend..."

Dusk took out a notebook and started taking notes.

Case File #2 Anser Erebus
Dusk Detective Agency

Name: Anser Erebus

Age: 30
Skin: Tanned Skin
Hair: Long yellow hair
Weight and Height: N/a -body shattered-
Cause of Death: Ice cuts.
Another note:

-In my investigations, it seems that Anser was killed with ice magic and her body was shattered.
The reason she died was probably because of attitude in the Boreas case.
According to the information received, Anser Erebus is in this situation due to revenge.
Another soul affected by the Betrayer Boreas actions...-

The Report of Anser Erebus's death was posted on the notice board of all kingdoms.

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