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Monke Desc

i'm broke

i've never made descriptions for anyone

but i did some for myself

i don't pretend to be 10/10

just an alternative

here some samples

its 5 usd btw unless i have to edit the pb, then its 6

edit: i forgot to add my contact info Ashcloud#0273


[Image: monkey-png-transparent-background-image-...vl2b5x.png]

[Image: Claudette_desc.png]

[Image: I_am_my_own_God.png]


[Image: ayo_wtf.png]

[Image: Vincinte_work-1.png]

[Image: qggTLTN.png]
[Image: zYiJ7J8.png]

first customer

monke desc made between two RPBs

they said they liked it, now i go buy myself more bananas

[Image: pattern-monkey-23714.png]
Yes hello it me, I very much recommend. For 5/6 bucks its an absolute steal.
[Image: bedivere.png]

[Image: Lime.png]

school started

but monke desc still alive

hit me up on discord if u too wanna look monke fancy, Ashcloud#0273

(o, i can also take steam cards as payment, its to buy rust skins feed my family)

Edit: if u were wondering, yes I did the particle effect on the second entry. Still learning and trying to make things look cool and spiiiicyyy

[Image: yxx3g7e7zbt61.jpg?auto=webp&s=d1e4081c60...825a105b8f]
[Image: kusho.png]
sober sober sober

[Image: Araea.png]
light light light

brand new batch

i try to innovate, do some new stuff

if u too wanna look monkey classy, hmu on discord, Ashcloud#0273

[Image: 500_F_63328757_fIGko41XnYAbigvy4j7zTsp7k9ODBN0g.jpg]
hi, updating this to show I'm still alive and i still do descs
here's what i have done those last weeks, i don't have a specific style, i try to change things up sometimes :

[Image: Z1umuVj.png]

[Image: pLjd08o.png]

[Image: EXQN4Jz.png]

[Image: byHpePh.png]

[Image: 5ADsZIx.png]

[Image: a3moRzh.png]

if you want to contact me, hmu on discord Ashcloud#0273
the price is still 5 dollars
or 5 bitcoins if you feel generous... 
: )
we're rebranding

i cazn't conmpete with the desc making competiton no more, they got too good wiht ptohoshpo so fuck

instead of making desc i will now maker discord avatar

for 1 $ 

here's my work: 

[Image: 3ee63b8d84b83d71d2832aac4775d53a.png]

if your avatar involves gay sex in any shape or form will do for free 

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