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Sea Serpent Odyssey
[Image: 7d5f1695176aa8febce6897af0691191.png]

Rumors tell of a beast's return. After several decades of peaceful slumber, the Great Sea Serpent is once more stalking the waters far to the east of Osrona, threatening to sink any ship foolish enough to enter its territory! To preserve the stability of their trading routes, the officials of the nearby isles seek to enlist the aid of brave heroes who would dare to venture into the creature's lair and put an end to its reign of terror, once and for all!

Quote:"Sounds like a job for us! Huh? What do you mean why? We're going to cook it, of course! Not convinced? I mean, there's probably a lot of treasure waiting to be found in the lair, too.. Aha! I knew I could count on you!"
Attendees: Juliet Domenico, Julius Domenico, possibly more. (If you want to join, ask about it ICly!)
Risk: At DM's discretion.
Tone: Adventure!
Rewards: To be discussed.
DM: DazzerDM
Contact: Risty#5371
DazzerDM will be running this!
[Image: 1036d354f4b69083cf5e89d84a52798c-png.jpg]
**Event Completed: Sea Serpent Odyssey!**
Through the efforts of Captain Julius Domenico and his crew, they have managed to once more return safety to trading routes of Osrona's ports! All businesses within the capital owe them all a debt of gratitude! Still, the unfortunate loss of Captain Ol' Pops, will be remembered forever; A key figure in the sailors community of Osrona.

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