StarMannWretched Slumber
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The nights have grown harsher as of late and across Esshar the people are affected by something new. The nights pass in the blink of an eye and the people awaken groggy and restless. The mind, body and spirit are not being restored by sleep. It spread across the land in a soft sensation, a ripple that reflected in the forefront of the mind. Something has changed. And the most tell-tale symptom? 

The native people of Esshar are no longer able to dream.

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[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
The months pass and the nights grow kinder. Slumber comes easier and the nightmares, the only thing that was left in the void, fade. Sleep is still a sudden change from the closing of the eyes to their sudden opening in the morning but now the rest is full and nourishing. A good night's sleep has returned to the natives of Esshar yet their dreams still elude them.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
The years come and go and with their passing the nights get easier and easier until, one day, the dreams begin anew. But, on the first night, all of Esshar, native or not, would dream of the same thing. A woman, her features hidden, bound in chains and wreathed in shadows. She would call out for help but before you could answer you would awaken. Since then dreaming has returned to normal but images of the woman still creep in from time to time.

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
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