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The Closing Chapter
The night sky above the Shimmering City, this is where the Stars were brightest. Where the moon was but a side actor in the Cosmos, the Constellation Leonaus burned the brightest. Eighteen stars all in a row.

At this time of night prayers would be sent in mass, their goals all different, the wants and needs of the faithful plenty. Those walking the cobble streets of the city would hear whispers from open windows. Hope for better days moving forward, for brighter futures. For the end of war and violence, for the beginning of better times.
[Image: unknown.png?width=400&height=501]
All of these prayers would be heard, though the Stars had their attention on something else for the night. Something long coming.
Deep within the Celestial Church there were words that were more than whispers, though still prayers. They echoed through quiet halls. A group of six. Wynne Meztin, Milon ven Grimmore, Tessa arl Grimmore, Elanor lux Lumo, Nymeria lei Dayndros and Claramonde akh Gardios. The six had come to accomplish a task, one that the city of Osrona would soon come to see in the night sky.
As their chants came to an end the Church shook for but a passing second. There was a flash, then a light raced from the roof, it shot towards the heavens and streaked across the sky. A Star once lost joined its flock. Or, so it would seem. This Star had but one goal, it raced towards the Constellation. In specific it raced towards the branch of Yellow Stars, The Body of the Lion.
It raced towards Geist, the Moving Star. Then, it vanished. As if it were never there the lightshow came to an end.
[Image: unknown.png]
For the night that was all there was to witness. There were no words from the Church, no announcements to be had. But, the following day the Stellus herself walked amongst the people to tell her story.
Quote:"Through some means I was able to recover the soul of previous Archmagi Aeliana Efsevis. She isn't a woman that is talked about much in this city anymore. But, she is a woman who meant a lot to many people. She was a woman who sacrificed her life for our city and who was devoted to its success.
No soul is meant to stay in Esshar when it's time to pass. It goes against the very purpose of our heavens. Especially not the soul of someone so dedicated to the Stars above.
She won't be the only soul recovered. She will only be the first. That, I promise."

The soul of Archmagi Aeliana Efsevis has been freed from the axe of Nidaz Vanreth and has been sent to the place it was always meant to go. It was sent home, to the Cosmos.
Quote:"It was under the Archmagi's lead of Osrona that the Aurora Chasm has come to be, it is only right that her soul is cleansed within its waters.
My prayers lie with the her family, may they find happiness and quiet in the return of their loved one. For their prayers have been heard.

Archmagi, welcome home. May you gain much needed rest among the Stars."

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