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Against All Hope
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'Through Darkness We Shall Find Light
Through Hate We Shall Find Hope
Through Sin We Shall Find Virtue'
A small group sets out on a pilgrimage. Its head? The Warden of Starfall herself. 

Into the wilderness they venture, their goal to find that which lurks in the untamed ruined wilderness that lurks in in and around the former lands of Moxtli. A desire to commune with any spirits that may still linger in the land as well as to purify any which may have been warped into wraiths due to the actions all those years ago. 

A lingering hunger awaits them...
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Wynne and Five Others
To Be Discussed with DM 

DM: Searching...(Please... I'm begging...)
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Discord - Zeig the Gun#5191
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Maple Grace wishes to join. Anything for the spirits return.

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