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Call of the Grand Blue
[Image: xmZcISz.png]
"I always feel at home when I'm in water. So, I'm taking a piece of it with me."
(Indra Cascade)
The Ocean is dark and mysterious; it’s ominous, yet majestic.
The Ocean is a tight embrace before the abyss of freedom. It’s a gentle summer breeze caressing your face as the waves splash your ankles — harmless on the surface.
It’s the beautiful array of animals and coral lining the ocean floor, reminding you of eternal beauty.
But it’s forever vast and unknown beings lurk in its depths — danger but never-ending magic beneath the surface.
To bring a piece of this back in the form of a "Sea Stone" specifically to show those around the Grand Blue. Taking a dip within the cooling waters to delve down and find a jewel of the Ocean. Also some sunken treasure to sell for coin could be down here!

Attendees: Indra Cascade & Fishing Rod(Solo-Event!)
Risk: CoI
Rewards: A Sea Stone, Some treasure!(Specifically just something to trade off/ticket in for coin.)
P.S - He is very very poor...(Fishing does not pay well.)
Tone: Watery, Fishy!, Educational, Exciting.
DM: Looking!
Notes/Add-Ons: To better connect himself with his origins. A constant reminder of his home and heritage. Just a nice little adventure for a young suited Sirenian!
P.S - Yes, he wears a suit.
My info: Paradise(Discord Nickname in server./ ジェイク#3585)
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine.”
[Image: E5pyTrX.gif]
Hi hi. I'll pick up this event.
DM Found!
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory... a far-off memory that's like a scattered dream... I want to line the pieces up... yours and mine.”
[Image: E5pyTrX.gif]

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