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[Dungeon Master] Jet
Event Preferences:
Serious in substance. Can do whimsical, fun, light-hearted things, but rather not have a 'filler-romp' of a bunch of randoms pooling together for some random joke-style event. I have a preference for things that fit into the world organic.
Contact Information: (optional):
Jetniss #3403
Anything Else:

I am thorough. I provide quality story-lines, I strive to make the best experiences both on a mechanical level and a development level. I won't make it easy, but I also won't catapult you into the oven. Let's have some fun.
Key/Character: GalionKnight/Sophie cos Duran
Which Event: Mystery of the UnderGarden (

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 
He posted pretty quickly. Event was a bit long, but his speed helped keep it engaging al the way through.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?):  
It was a bit all over. He took risky routes with AIs, but when things were overwhelming he worked around them ultimately. It made things out into an overcoming odds sort of view. He did warn us at the start also, so it was pretty fair.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): 
It was fun. His characters had energy to them, and played their roles very well. All throughout, the event was pretty engaging.
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): 
The reward was a little lackluster. A few alchemy reagants. The main goal was obtaining knowledge, but I don't think it was fulfilling on that end. However, to be completely fair on this tidbit, this is intended to be an event chain, so unloading too much would have been silly. As an introduction, it was solid on that point.

Jet = Good
If you're looking for storytelling, I think he is one of the most solid choices.

Any other comments:
This was really late, my apologies. I'll update it with more when we do the next part.
Key/Character: MelonBallZ/Valero lux Montclaire
Which Event: Mystery of the UnderGarden Part II (

Responsiveness: Extremely responsive OOCly and ICly.

Balance: The balance was interesting. Some fights felt like we were intended to lose the first bout, but the way in which it was done was cinematic. For a Chance of Injury event it was appropriate, I think. When we received our injuries for these scenarios they were not permanent or harsh. Everything tied into the narrative. Other times were were smacking hordes of mobs and it was just a blast.
Storytelling: The story established was interesting and fun to participate in, but much was already established. To give due context I had come in early and so there was realistically no time for Jet to really gear specific bits for each character, but that was fine; we still all had our moments and it was an enjoyable ride regardless.

Overall the rewards for participation were a bit bland beyond the dev that was acquired through story-telling. On the other hand I did not feel I risked unnecessarily.

Overall: I highly recommend Jetniss as a DM. It was a fun experience and I look forward to seeing the next event.

Any other comments: Better late than never. Sorry!

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