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A Banshee's Cry
[Image: tuxpi-com-1576517558.jpg]

It is a creature older than any living magi.

Its power rivals that of many spirits, speculated to be born of the sorrow of men and women throughout time.  A banshee, they called it. During the old times, when Witchcraft and magic were both at their peak, it roamed Esshar seeking for innocent victims. It carried the sole intent of claiming lives with its infamous cry. An omen of death, the sighting of a Banshee hasn't been recorded in the books of history for centuries now.

Until a couple of weeks ago.
During the full moon, as Aerandale's Gala commenced. Its scream had been heard once more, awoken from a slumber-- no, summoned from the depths of Hel itself. It has a goal and purpose once more, it seeks to hunt the civilians of Esshar. It cares not for status or race, only for what little despair it can find within its victim. The Banshee's cry allows the creature to find the mental weakness of its prey, it takes pleasure in driving them mad until their very essence is stolen. Many families across different villages have been torn asunder by this spirit, and now, it's headed towards the city of Orsona itself.

It is coming.
You've been warned.

OOC Info

Relevant Attendees: Any resident of the city & First Light members & The Church & Citywatch members.
When & Where: This Wednesday, 6 PM EST. Will take place in the city.

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