In this world we were born, we don't even have time to know who we truly are, but we know something.. The ideals that we are taught. The people around.. They show us a way, we are told it is the right thing and nothing else matters - so we will follow those teachings without a second thought.
So.. Because we have nothing left.. And for our family good, we serve.
An Empire of lies.
Not knowing what awaits..
New bonds are formed, new knowledges acquired - we grow over time, we learn what to fear, what to laugh about and most of all.. What hides in the darkness of the cosmos. But.. We get lost along the way, our minds are consumed by the unknown - our ideals distorted to the brink of insanity, but in exchange for this.. The truth of the world is revealed.
And now we understand who we are, what our role is and what to expect in the future.
Now as an unstoppable force we proceed, plans come to life - dreams of something which few can really understand at the moment. From past ideals, a new way of understanding them is presented to the world.. Which needs to be fixed by Their hand, as it needs to see the end - for a new begin.
As such, nothing can stop what is unavoidable - and so the path continues.
An eternity awaits, plans that have to be fulfilled.. Where not even time is an enemy anymore.
And this.. Is what matters.
[ A different version of what I had planned for Nidaz's biography, which due to everything that happened in this character story, would be very extensive - so I decided to do this, which gives a basic sense of what the path has been like so far. ]
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