AgentPurpleHoot Hoot comes Loot Loot (DM Thread)
Key: AgentLilac
Event Preferences: Story-Rich, Lighter Combat
Contact Information: Hoot#1195
Anything Else: I'm not very good at verbing right now, and I imagine it'd be better if I did smaller events at the moment. I'll do my best otherwise. Just DM me if you want me to take care of your event- I'll tell you if I'm full or can't at the moment.
Key/Character: Psilo#6029/Valero lux Montclaire
Which Event: Path of The Blade

Responsiveness: 10. There was barely a lull whatsoever beyond the natural time it took to write. Other than that they were speedy with the responses and the voice call made it smooth.

Balance: 10. The first mini-boss was a test, but it was perfect for what came next. Fighting Lord Rhetor was one of the most fun battles I've ever experienced. We were all shouting, coordinating our attacks, and it even reflected in the RP. It was filled with hilarity and triumph that felt earned.

Storytelling: 8. The narration felt natural and gave way to a world we could explore rather than a single path to the end goal. We had to explore a little town, discover what had happened, and confront the boss. It was nothing too elaborate, but it checked all the boxes. The score could be higher with a follow-up, but that should be taken into consideration for the high marks. I do want to see what's next and that's what a story should do.

Fairness: I received dev towards two different abilities I would like, Ravan received a dev item, and Robin was allowed to refund out of Unarmed and also received a dev item. Considering that Robin risked a perm and I nearly went down as well I would say it was quite fair.

Overall: It was a blast and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Hoots events.
Key/Character: Pin Head#1945/ Ravan lei Karnstein
Which Event: Path of The Blade

Responsiveness: 10. We barely had to wait for Hoot's post, all of them came out really quickly!

Balance: 10. The first boss was a good starting point, a uhh way for Hoot to figure out how to balance out the final boss, and balance that final boss she did! Honestly, that was probably the most fun I've had in a fight in ages. We were all screeching in VC trying to coordinate our attacks. It was a fucking blast.

Storytelling: 9.  Nothing felt rushed, everything took it's time to build to the proper climax, and once there? It was really fricken' awesome. Exploring the island, trying to figure out what had caused it to fall into ruin was rather intriguing. Then came the final battle with Lord Rhetor, which just felt like the perfect climax to an already amazing adventure.  Oh, and it not being entirely linear was pretty nice. Exploring stuff, and gathering loot is pretty great.

Fairness: I got a fancy crystal, Valero got some awesome dev, and Robin got some neat stuff, and forgot how to punch people. Plus, we all risked getting temped/permed, if we really messed up. I'd say it was pretty darn fair.

Overall: It was a really, really fun time, and I'd love  be in another event that Hoot runs
Key/Character: LoS TheWolf#3731
Which Event: The Coming Summer

Responsiveness: 10/10 Personally slow on my end because I got distracted at certain points of it.

Balance: 10/10 There was a slight hiccup but that was due to wonky controls, and over all? had me sweating I enjoyed the fights that happened. It made it honestly really thematic

Storytelling: 9/10 for the story part of it? It was honestly really nice! I got a bits of character growth that I personally? Didn't expect to really get. And personally? That made my experience even better

Fairness: I got what I wanted and a smidge more, but I got also character dev which I didn't expect but also loved.

Overall: I loved it. And personally i'd definitely hit Hoot up again more of my events. This was really enjoyable and pretty
Key/Character: Oyedboats/Caelus Lunaris

Which Event: In Search of Spirit

Responsiveness: 10/10, once we finished they were immediately typing the next narration.

Balance: 9/10, most of the fights were balanced up until the final boss fight where we entered H A R D  M O D E. Honestly though? The last fight was my favorite-- Beautiful job.

Storytelling: 10/10, I quite enjoyed the story that was put forth. The spire still remains a mystery to me and I honestly might try to come back later on.

Fairness: 10/10, Hoot was very fair with what we got.

Overall: Hoot's a great DM and an enjoyable one at that. They put up with not one, but three energy melees in one event. That's hard to balance for so props to them!

Also, roll 1s three times in a row. This event has made me realize I'm cursed.
Key/Character: Lumi Fenrir/LoS TheWolf#3731

Which Event: In Search of Spirit

Responsiveness: 10/10, Good pacing even if I didn't rp much do to some sickness

Balance: 9/10, Tasty fights, Felt like it we were three normal players walking up to dark-souls bosses

Storytelling: 10/10, the story was great! I want to go back with the boys and figure out what went wrong...and also fight that boss again its time for round 2

Fairness: 10/10, Hoot was very fair with what we got.

Overall: Hoot's a great DM and an enjoyable one at that. Balancing against three energy melee was..weird. But honestly? Flawless job with it, kept me on the edge of my seat...literally.

Also watching Oyed roll 3 ones in a row was...was so fucking bad..
Key/Character: Asariel / Myradin#6634

Which Event:

Responsiveness: 10/10. Fast replies from Hoot, practically no down time after we did our own posts / after the boss matches had finished.

Balance: 10/10. The balance was fine, I do wish I used those tornados to down Sparrow though!

Storytelling: 10/10 - I enjoyed it a lot, especially the first spider boss that held an interesting personality due to something that was revealed later on by the last boss, really enjoyable!

Fairness: 10/10, Extremely fair.

Overall: I enjoyed the event a lot, the little rewards from the cocoons were interesting, keep up the good work Hoot! Although, next time I expect face-huggers to murder Oyed instead of him getting a facial by spider glop..
Key/Character: AlisonJaichi / Sui mer Joyau

Which Event:

Responsiveness: 10/10. Fast replies from Hoot, practically no down time after we did our own posts / after the boss matches had finished.

Balance: 10/10. The balance was fine, I do wish I used those tornados to down Sparrow though!

Storytelling: 10/10 - I enjoyed it a lot, especially the first spider boss that held an interesting personality due to something that was revealed later on by the last boss, really enjoyable!

Fairness: 10/10, Extremely fair.

Overall: Fun time got to see Pericles kill a demon!
[Image: banner.png] Sanctus.Inc
Key/Character: LoS TheWolf#3731
Which Event: Trial of Earth

Responsiveness: 10/10 we got everything through smoothly

Balance: 10/10 a painful way, made the rewards worth it in the very end

Storytelling: 9/10 for the story part of it? Cavern + spirits= big ass profit would do it again

Fairness: Everyone got there fair share and I loved it even more because of that!

Overall: I loved it. And personally I'd definitely hit Hoot up again more of my events yet again, spooky spirit skeletons
[Image: Home.png]
Key/Character: Pin Head#1945/ Sparrow cos Queen
Which Event: Masked Darkness

Responsiveness: 10/10 All the emotes came out incredibly quickly. Most of the wait time came from when we were emoting. Much speed, very good.

Balance: 10/10 All the fights were really, really fun. I can't think of anything that felt unfair, so GOOD job!

Storytelling: 10/10 Venturing deep into a cavern to complete a trial, plus some spirit shenanigans? That just equals a good time to me.

Fairness: 10/10 Most of us walked out of there with a few temps, and considering we got some neat items, and some cool dev? IT seems really fair to me.

Overall: 10/10 Everything was LOVELY. Good job Hoooooot.
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