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[Ended] Seeking to play a Servant!
Well howdy! First of all, thank you for taking the time to look at my thread. With the changes coming to the game as of late and how my main's bar feels a tad clunky- I wanted to try out playing an alt that wasn't as heavily combat focused! I wanted to see how far I could go with servant/butler-esc character!
I've only really played characters that have interacted with the lower-class chunk of Osrona so this is my attempt to experience some different kind of rp. If you're interested, just pop me a friend request on discord! My account is Nerdlord57#3717.

I also wanted to pop down my basic idea for the character so that any who ARE interested can get a better idea of what they may be picking up.

[Image: Butler-Alt-Idea.png]
His name is Vasili Chrysanthos. He will be made at 18 years old and will be of Essharian descent. I plan on him being built strictly mage-oriented and focus on being an only Water-Element Mage. However if IC leads to interesting developments such as Holy or any of the Meta trees, he may go that way. Personality wise he will be quite and reserved in public with those whom he works for. Though around friends or those that allow him to, he is warm and he works to keep the room in a positive energy. I want to work on the cooking skill with him for cute rp and just to try stuff I'm not used to! Due to his elemental affinity he is able to adapt to scenarios with ease.

However for his magic, I intend on trying to go for Riptide and Ice so that for his gentle and quiet personality has a sort of duality with his magic. I also totally want to fluff his magic like some Avatar the Last Airbender stuff.

Again, thank you for taking a read!

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