Peaceful ImmortalOccult/dark magic event wanted please
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Character Name / Contact Information: Athos Endore/Xioen#0339

Extra Attendees: Rhea Endore, Neklous Endore (assuming you're joining)

Event Synopsis: The Endores have, in the past, been a family of Hunters. Hunters that sought out and eliminated Occultic Presences, and forces of the Dark. However, with the disappearance and lack of true authority to enforce such upon the current generation, the black sheep will begin to stray from the herd. Whispers grow in their ears as their own internal hatred begs to lash out. Rumors floating in the wind of a den in the Western Marshlands. One in which that has rumored to hold a presence that forces the very air around it to become twisted. What it was remained a mystery, let alone if the rumors held true. These Hunters led astray seek not it's destruction however, but instead, they seek it's power. (Feel free to change it as you wish if you think it needs changing)

Risk: Up to DM

Specific Requests: Dark and twisted adventure, some form of Occult source (i.e. Demon/Witch, Old Texts, etc.), Occult Development for Characters

DM: Needed

Think that covers it about
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