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Into the pages of history..
Life.. Death.. Terms so common for the one who through the decades lived - the one who saw everything and everyone he knew turn to dust and ruin.. The one who in the midst of this, tried to have a family.
The world is cruel, impartial and takes everything from those unprepared. Yet in this world he brought her - into this world he dragged her.. He created her, from the one he once loved..
She was his future, she was his daughter.. Which he taught, which he demonstrated countless things, for her to be ready to face anything - to the point that in some occasions, she surpassed him.
Emotions.. From these he would be freed, never to be tormented again, in order to focus on what mattered - still, those had been just hidden away in the depths of that empty husk.. And now he would feel them cling to him, even if only a bit..
Such thing grasped into his soul.. The moment she was taken away..
Would he.. Ever be prepared for a situation such as this? Of loss.. No, he never was before - and never will be.. Where this situation would not be possible to be stopped this time.. But such things still can be fixed, nothing is impossible for one who defies the gods.
I'm sorry.
You'll have to wait.. But time is what we both have to spare, right?..
Quote:"And one day.. You will be with me once again.."

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