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A Trip to Myllenoris
[Image: New_Myllenoris.jpg]
"Hey, you know what? Fuck them, lets burn down a temple. No, better...lets burn down their BIGGEST temple!"

-Enna, drunk one day

Myllenoris was once the home of the Teraphim Golden Age, where they rightly established their dominance over the rest of the region. And then some idiot High Lord undid all that and fucked off to the Spirit Realm. Still, Aschea's faith is strong in the Kingdom of Myllenoris, as much as it has fallen to the wayside. So what is one to do when frustrated about a religion screwing up a good thing?

Loot and burn down the Grand Temple of Aschea, of course! 

Attendees: Enna, Cephyron, Felaeryn, Zstas, Grizzt
Risk: DM's Discretion
Rewards: DM's Discretion
Tone: Irreverent. Sacreligious.
DM: Drive
Taking this. Make a group chat and add me to it!
[Image: New_Myllenoris.jpg]

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