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Dawn Of A New Era
"One story ends, another begins. I wonder if this one will truly end in the upcoming years?.."
Having secured her husband, the Queen of Asphodel addresses all of Esshar, with her words directed at the Docro family, specifically. 
[Image: GXLeVdJ.png]

Quote:Now that my husband is safe within our lands, there is nothing stopping me from burning your precious household to the ground. For all that you have taken - we will take from you. For too long you have been allowed to roam this continent, unpunished for all those you have wronged. Yet I do this not in the name of poetic justice, no.

I shall have vengeance for your impudence to have executed our own kind. For having taken Cain's gift for yourself and distributing it without our permission. I will not let that slide so easily. 

Asphodel, the Shadowmire and the Coven as well as some individuals who have strongly expressed their desire to end your reign are marching down to your manor. Be ready.

But do not worry! This is not a genocide of your family. At the end of this, some of you will remain alive. Rejoice in that little mercy you will be granted.

The forces make their down to the Docro household, prepared to bring ruin and destruction in this festival of chaos.
The Queen of Asphodel decrees a list of those specifically to be left alive, and if no resistance is provided, untouched: Ilya pyr Docro, Blair pyr Docro, Seth pyr Docro.
(Date to be determined upon discussion. Preferably ASAP because of the surprise element this is supposed to carry.)

Within a day of Asphodel's declaration a monstrous horde was released upon Esshar,
and while for some that alone was enough to incite fear.. It was not a mindless invasion.
Villages were mostly left alone, and cities avoided entirely as it became very clear this army marched with a goal and destination in mind.
The Docro Manor.

It's Commander offers a brief message.
"Never have I forgotten when I first was summoned to Esshar.
Forgotten that it was the Docro who kidnapped Mother's children,
forced them to fight for sport and amusement."

"I made the attempt to look past this past transgression,
but no matter how hard you ignore a snake it is just as venomous when it bites.
One among you desires to rule over all of Esshar,
and to invoke Mother's name to sway the weak of mind within my home."

"No longer will we abide by this, no longer will I abide by this.
You are an inevitable obstacle,
and thus you must be returned to darkness."
The Shadowmire marches.
[Image: latest.png]

One part Infusion of Wormwood
Three parts Powdered Root of Asphodel
Stir twice clockwise
An entire Sloth Brain
The juice of one Sopophorous bean
Stir seven times counter-clockwise
Stir once more clockwise
Serve as cold as death

It wouldn't be long following Seth's unfortunate situation that the Twilight Coven began making its move. Under the shadow of the night, cloaked and hidden to keep their identities a secret to the world an evergrowing number of the Dark Lord's servants made their way towards the Docro's mansion behind none other than the Supreme of the East, his scythe in hand and a disturbing silence to come with it.

And there were more.

Those who had danced with the devil, those who owed him favors, those who had been convinced to join his side were informed and invited along, promising a darker, more dreadful future. A band of crooks could not match the Dark Lord's army.

Her promise had been met.
The world was expecting them.
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“We suffer no beings from Hel, and none who follow the Dark Lord’s will. Backstabbin’ ain’t the way of our people, 
and we don’t tolerate it. Just makes you all cowards.”
Blair pyr Docro

Despite being a fairly young and promising up-and-coming group, the King of the Rhoynish has given free reign to those 
under their leadership. To relish in the thrill of the fight, and to combat the darkness which both the Coven and Shadowmire seem 
intent upon spreading.

The Rhoynish stand against all beings which claim to be from Hel, and all beings which follow Nyx, Hecate or the Dark Lord.

“It doesn’t matter where or when you attack. We’ll be there to block your path.”
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Annette Alricht, wished for revenge on Ambrose, only for it to be stolen from her when Illythia's boot crushed through the vampire lord's skull like soft snow.

Ivory, the Nethradin Osrona feared, to be made a mockery of by the Lich Nidaz in her own dream realm. The Shadowmire, once an enemy, then an ally, now an enemy again, a difficult past. 
The Coven. The Loire siblings. Hunted by the Docros, their Supreme was slain in single combat in a clash of the Occult by the mad synthetic. The wife of Fennel Loire had her heart torn out personally.

These are just a few of the enemies The Family has gathered throughout the past century... Angering, destroying, and dominating even the great threats of the world, as the undisputed force of infamy, always on top - always ready to put on a grand show. It is only time their countless enemies came knocking - they have before, and two kingdoms have fell all the same.
...So what's a third?

[Image: 4Cg4kp5.png]

Quote:Come one, come all! Tonight there is a banquet, and the famous Docro hospitality will be on display. A spectacular, extravagant feast - and you are on the menu. All of our enemies so politely gathering at our doorstep for us to cull. You make it easy.

Nobody other than myself gets to commit violence against my sons.

- Alexei pyr Docro, the Patriarch


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