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Dream a little Dream...
[Image: ncksztapxbr21.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&a...1782298c1f]
"Oh it's here again... the same place. Orange skies that run endlessly through... the cracked arid soil gives way under her feet. It's easy to see here, her eyes glimpse the open but shifting landscape. It is a terrifying place. Not because of any demon or Knight, any foe or fear. But because it's so empty... nothing but the trees, the mushrooms... the grass. And yet, one always feels watched. It was this same dream, every time... so empty. But, sometimes, when she thought of others, they might sometimes have the same dream..."

"But who would join her in this nightmare?"

Attendees: Unlaya, Sohan, Feris, Azan, Lynra Aldes (1 More slot if needed)
Tone: Dreamscape, shifting and moving, constantly becoming something new. An eerie tone of being watched, but it doesn't have to always be horrific, it can be lucid or even estranged.
Risk: COI 
Rewards: To be discussed with a DM
DM: Seeking, a chance for a newer DM or one who wants to have a little fun, no pressure.

Just to add: This would not be a Mire only event, and in fact, others from nations who have met Unlaya might be ones she thinks of before the dream. Enemies or friends might be selected. If interested, you can reply below. Thank you.
Sohan has always wanted to visit dreamscape if allowed.
Welcome aboard
Feris is coming. Don't worry, he won't touch anything.
Welcome aboard too.
Azan would like to attend to help Unlaya out.
Lynra Aldes will help Unlaya.
[Image: Screenshot_1822.png]
Two more Dreamers, accepted. One more slot if it is desired, and a DM.
Maple is and has always been interested in dreams but I don't think we've ever met icly or how it would work.? Do just throwing out a general interest should you need another
Well, I don't see why two dreamers might not meet anyway. Or you could even tag along with another dreamer if you have met them icly. Really, it could be about 'When' they all fall asleep. Although, some might just be drawn to sleep by the pull.

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