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[Image: 5PnK4_TshCNFOs-AWPgTtsGOMwBtxKgJIFYU-5gX...7CD0rzJdke]
As we move forward as the Church of Celestialism, let us never forget the brave that have perished, and the future that they have sought for.
With the passing of the title, Elys akh Gardios strives for a simple change in the inner workings of the church, while also keeping to the traditional methods that have upheld the foundation of it for so long.
The Codex Cosmos is in need of updating, and seeing that it has been many years since the last time that it has been touched by Inante arl Salis and new chapters related to current days will be published within the coming years.
With the hands of time turning and changing, so will the Church.
Becoming an Acolyte of the Church:
  • Becoming an Acolyte for the church simply requires that one speaks to a Priest in starting their newfound journey into Celestialism.

  • Unlike in the past, becoming an Acolyte no longer requires an oath to be made, for this will be a trial period where some of the youth (and those older) are to learn and become dedicated to the faith.

  • If one does not find that they are fit for the church, then backing away is always an option should they decide that the Order of the Second Dawn is more suitable.
You are now an Acolyte:
  • Your duties are to follow and learn from the Codex, learning from the Priests and the Codex Cosmos.

  • Active charities and assisting those in need around Osrona should also be one of your priorities, for that will show your dedication.

  • Small tests and pilgrimages may (or may not) be given to you as well to test your knowledge of the Codex, as well as follow ups.

  • After two years of being an Acolyte, you will be given the option of ascending to the rank of Deacon.
Before becoming a full-fledged Deacon:
  • You will surrender all titles to live the life of a full fledged member of the church.

  • You will be baptized (can be done in the background if such is desired) by a priest underneath the starlight, within waters blessed by a Priest.

  • While under the stars, the Priest will ask you to say your vows toward the stars while being baptized, swearing yourself loyal to the Church, The Stars, and the Angels, and for the betterment of Osrona.
As a Deacon:
  • You are a full fledged member of the Church, baptized and made anew in the eyes of the stars and to your peers, and now there will be a time to choose your future as a member of the church (As a Keeper, or as a Priest).
  • As a Deacon, you are to continue your studies and help around Osrona as you deem fit as well as contribute to the Church and through other charities.
  • After two years of fulfilling your duties and growing as a person (or through means of doing something amazing!) you are given the choice of being a Keeper for the Church or a Priest.
  • Those that are aiming down the line of a Priest are asked to be the supporters for the Keepers and the Order of The Second Dawn as healers and blessers; aiming to aid our troops by the grace of the stars. You also hold the responsibility of purifying occultism from the magical circuits or aid in getting rid of the undead and spirits harvesting the occult within them.
  • Those that are aiming down the line of a Keeper are asked to always be training, growing as a capable fighter against all  things evil and made of the occult, a destructive magical force that needs to be expunged from any and all things.
Priest(ess) are to be vigilant in helping the fellow man, and helping those of the clergy ascend to higher places within the church. When the time of war comes and they are not participating, they are to aid our Keepers and Knights of the Second Dawn accordingly with their gifts and medical prowess. They also have a duty to weddings and togetherness, as well as leading in prayer .
Keepers are to be vigilant in helping the fellow man as well, and to bring peace and honor to those that lie in darkness, leaving nothing that is tainted to continue in the realm if they cannot be redeemed (Undead, Vampires, Necromancers, Fleshmancers, etc.) The Keepers also have a duty in protecting the Church's relics, as well as to getting rid of all things deemed 'evil.'
High Priest(ess) is required to be there in promoting those that are deemed fit for Priesthood, as well as choosing their successor as the inevitably of age starts to come up for them. They are also urged to have a voice in the council, as well as being there for priests that need guidance. With Esther ven Grimmore stepping down, there will be a time for one more to fill in that needed role soon.
High Keeper is required to train the other Keepers and those that aspire to be, to show them the light and have them grow accordingly in the fields of combat and in training. This one holds the 'key' to the relics, as they will be also guarding them with their lives. They also have a duty of choosing their successor as age comes up. These are also urged to have a voice in the council, as well as being there for Keepers that need guidance. The seat is still in need of being filled.
On Eos / Primordials:
Have respect for her wishes, for she doesn't want to be worshipped. Her desire is to have her son remembered and respected.
Never forget that even though she has helped us, she is still the daughter of Aschea, and her people have once laid waste to Osrona and our people once before, and should be viewed with caution. Respect is given due to her having helped us a time in the past.
With that in mind, those that are eager in defending the Temple of Eos are welcomed to do so.
The dead Primordial, Nyx, is never to be tolerated or worshipped in the lands of Esshar, and all those that follow suit in her are given the chance to see the error of their ways and become better. Those that 'come' from her, are to be executed on the spot, for monsters are not people and have no room to be seen as anything other than blights that need to be removed.
As more information about these creatures come, the more that they will be updated.
On Cain and his worshippers:
I don't need to speak about this; kill them all or convert them before turning into a vampire - non negotiable. Those that drink the blood of a vampire and turn into a 'ghoul' are captured or willingly brought to Osrona and given a second chance at redemption, much like Howl Grace and a certain someone that won't be mentioned.
Those that are caught doing dealings with his worshippers and willingly in thralldom, will be excommunicated.
Those that partake in illegal drugs, Sylavanum:
Those that do drugs and even sell drugs are to be apprehended and reported to the nearest official responsible. Those that are on drugs will be held accountable for their actions and will go through the required withdrawal period.
Those that are in the church and take this drug willingly will be excommunicated from the church.
On those that sell their souls:
Those that sell their souls to the likes of Nethardin, Hel's forces that wish to corrupt the youth, willingly, will be excommunicated from the church with no way of returning.
Those that are unwillingly stripped of their souls may seek forgiveness and and spend the rest of their cursed, empty lives trying to do the right thing as many times as possible, until we have ways of returning such to you.
Witches and Warlocks that deal in witchcraft will be burned at the stake in Holy Fire. However, that is reserved for those that are without a doubt proven to be a witch or warlock respectively.
On Double Oaths:
Those that have made an oath to something prior, (Fireblooded initiates, Cadets of the order, etc), cannot make another oath to be a deacon and those above. Words have power in Eternia, and as such, they should dedicate their own vows to their respective religions and obligations rather than carry the weight of two.
As we move forward, those faithful to the Church will always be there for those in need despite how hard life can be. We seek to inspire all those that desire help and want to find a place to belong to come and talk to one of the priests and get a new shape on life as well.
The Stars will always be there for you, The Angels will be hoping for your journey, and those that want a positive change in their lives are welcomed.
q: What does it mean to give up titles before becoming a deacon?
a: Noble titles, merchant titles, and all other titles you had before joining the church are null, and instead you get titles related restricvely to the church, "arl" when you're a priest, "akh" when you become a high priest or priestess. This change is not retroactive, however, but this will be the norm for the new incomers of the church that held titles in other lands, they can keep their property, though.
q: What is evil in your eyes?
a: Evil is any and all things filled to the brim with repungdant occultism or witchcraft. In the old days, that would be it, but when you look around you can see the dead coming back to life, vampires that try to act like people - all this other nonsense that needs to be left alone - Riftmancy too. People who willingly sell their souls for power or something selfish - the point is, there is a lot more "evil" than there is "good." And I hope for their sake, that they find a way to reshape their destiny and become better.
q: Is the church and state seperate?
a: Yes, but we will support our hardworking man by any means neccessary. If the threat calls for the Keepers to take arms, then they are welcomed to do so. If the military calls for a priest to cleanse an occultist or an object, then they are obligated to do so. Just because The Church and The State are seperate doesn't mean we can't benefit one another.
From the desk of the High Keeper Melody lux Vel Kruger

Duties for the Keepers are more than just fighting, so will list out the major duties that a Keeper is in charge of.
  • Fight in battle to protect the souls of those fighting. Offering prayers and last rites for soldiers. Only by being a fighter yourself may you understand what a soldier is going through.
  • Protect the relics of the temple
  • Know the history and caretaking of each relic of the temple. Keepers should be knowledgeable about history for this very reason.
  • Guard duty at the Churches in the care of Osrona.
  • Eliminate threats of Occult, Demons, Vampires, Monsters, and Witchcraft.
  • Memorize prayers applicable to the battlefield

Hopefully with these bullet points, Keepers and those considering to be Keepers, will now have a better understanding of what is partially expected of you.
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The Paperwork never ends
(07-10-2021, 07:47 PM)Mkat Wrote: From the desk of the High Keeper Melody lux Vel Kruger

Duties for the Keepers are more than just fighting, so will list out the major duties that a Keeper is in charge of.
  • Fight in battle to protect the souls of those fighting. Offering prayers and last rites for soldiers. Only by being a fighter yourself may you understand what a soldier is going through.
  • Protect the relics of the temple
  • Know the history and caretaking of each relic of the temple. Keepers should be knowledgeable about history for this very reason.
  • Guard duty at the Churches in the care of Osrona.
  • Eliminate threats of Occult, Demons, Vampires, Monsters, and Witchcraft.
  • Memorize prayers applicable to the battlefield

Hopefully with these bullet points, Keepers and those considering to be Keepers, will now have a better understanding of what is partially expected of you.

The Stellus signs off on this in full, more than proud of Temporary High Keeper Melody for her involvements with the Keepers.
In other news, The Stellus is asking all those of the Faith to meet up for a small meeting regarding the little field trip that they went through, involving the Temple of Saint Maritha and it's impressive barrier magic. Any and all those that are capable of holy magic are invited to attend, but anyone else is RESTRICTED from joining.

(July 12th, 8pm Est, Celestial Church.)
From the desk of High Priestess Arista ven Pelleaux
To better clarify the duties of the clergy, in regards of those who pursue the path of Priesthood, the following points have been offered as guidance. Every Priest need not necessarily dedicate their time to all of these pursuits, nor is this list exhaustive.

  • -Serve as teachers and guides to those who wish to learn more of the Faith
  • -Be familiar with and willing to discuss the intricacies of the Codex, especially in regards to some of its more arcane teachings.
  • -Conduct research into the history of the Faith, its relics, and its teachings, both current and historic.
  • -Develop and aid in the creation of projects that utilize the stars and blessings of the divine to protect Osrona and its populace.
  • -It is recommended although not necessary, that the clergy learn to be medics. Pursuit of the ability to Bless others is also highly commended.
May the stars light your paths.
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With advancement in the Church of Celestialism, Stellus Ithiel akh Arthesio has taken initiative to make medical practicum and its knowledge more accessible through the Church's vast libraries. Furthermore, appendments are made to the Codex Cosmos - explaining the Astyan principles of love and their application to a modern day lifestyle. These acts are explained through a brief speech made to the member of clergy during one of his sermons.

Quote:As a new dawn rises over the Shimmering City, I believe it paramount to ensure that the future is well-equipped with the tools it needs to contribute in our fast moving society. We tend to sometimes become lost in our advancements - taking for granted what our predecessors have done for us. They have fought tooth and nail, researched complex topics and built the pillars that the new generation now stands on.

To them, we must be grateful - even as we build onward.

In honor of one such individual - Alistair ven Pelleaux - I'm pleased to announce that his iconic Medical Tome will be published and made accessible through the Church's grand library. Not only will this increase the number of certified doctors in our city, but it will create a generation well-versed in perhaps one of the most benevolent trades to have graced our world. Good luck to you aspiring doctors, and come see me should you need further guidance.

Quote:Furthermore, I'd like to announce appendments to the Codex Cosmos - my first modification of our sacred text. We cannot hope to understand our heavenly watchers if we first cannot understand our mankind. I believe this is knowledge that should be available not just to the clergy, but to our bright city as a whole. We spend our lives learning lessons, so I'm merely sharing something that I myself learned during my youth.

The Astyan Principles of Love. Through my long tenure as an Acolyte of the Church, I've learned that our ancestors believed in four main types of love;

  • First, there is Storge - this is love from familiarity, such as one between parent and child. This, from a young age, opens the doors in your heart to accept the other types of love that come later in life.

  • Second, there is Philia - true friendship. As you frequent people and build a strong circle, you will develop this love and find comfort in commonality. This love is diverse, and it's extremely important in human development.

  • Third, there is Eros - intimacy. This love is found between two people who love and admire each other deeply - most commonly found in relationships, marriages and the like. I believe this love to be sanctified, and it should not be extended toward another carelessly - for heartbreak is a terrible mistress.

  • Finally, there is the most important type of love - Agape. Agape is the unconditional love of His children. Some say we cannot truly experience the Creator's grace unless we begin to love mankind as the Creator loves us. We should strive to help and uplift His children out of the kindness of our hearts, rather than desire for rewards or benefits. This love is undying, and is a fundamental pillar of humanity. Understand Agape, and the heavens will understand you - love is the language of angels.

In hopes of expanding the Church's already vast library, the Stellus and his clergy are accepting book donations!

Should you wish to contribute your hidden knowledge to the people of Osrona, you may come see members of the Faith and grant them permission to use your book.

Stars guide us - hic sunt stellae.

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