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Light Spells: The Lightening
hi. it's me.

its currently 5am and i'm feeling spicy so here are some quick brain blasted BASIC light spells that can probably EASILY be added (maybe? i don't know, i don't code so im sorry). i'm not talking anything intermediate and above. i'm talking basic. like easy bake oven basic. like your cookie is RAW basic. ok here we go.

Name: ??? [patent pending ok]
Description: Light fills the target's body, reducing their healing for [x] amount of time
Spell Damage: look at what curse's spell damage is and copy it
Cooldown: look above
Range: look above

ALTERNATIVELY since people wish to cry about auto hits, make it like distort only make the lines like... yellow or something cute. sparkles. make it a thing that moves like distort.

Name: ??? [sue me]
Description: A basic blast of light which moves forward, can burn if it lands
Spell Damage: 7
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Range: 10

Name: Wave of Light
Description: A fast moving wave of pure light which travels out and temporarily confuses an opponent
Spell Damage: 9
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Range: 10
(think of like blazing wave, only instead of leaving burn ticks, it confuses you)
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
(Wave of Light Edited Edition)

Name: Flash Bang
Description: An instant AOE blast around the caster of pure light which temporarily confuses an opponent
Spell Damage: 9 (Or Lower because instant AOE)
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Range: 10 (Whatever this would be to not make people hate it)
And then there was Avee 

Lingering Lights - Shoots out glitter. It’s like a whip basically, doesn’t stun. If it hits, it does light to moderate damage. It makes the enemy sprite glitter for 5-10s afterwards, don’t care about the amount, during which their DR and AP are reduced by whatever arbitrary amount the community won’t have a fucking spasm about.
Here's an idea I had.

Name: Luminous Advance (I'm not good with names)
Description: Dazzle around the battlefield embodying the velocity of Light itself! (And descriptions)
Spell Damage: 9
Cooldown: 19 seconds
Range: 7 or 8

(Imagine if fatal and cosmic dash had a child and it wasn't a homming and more like a instant dash in a straight line.)
My suggestion is literally just this:
[Image: iPZec1M.png]

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
There were some good suggestions in this thread too:

This was mine, which I still like the thought of:

Element: Light
Spell Name: Blinding Flash
Description: 3x3 AoE emerging in front of the caster (like a whip) that blinds enemies caught in it and causes them to untarget you.
Rank: Basic
bright step or something cool

it’s shadow walk but light lol
(06-24-2021, 09:18 AM)Random Wrote: bright step or something cool

it’s shadow walk but light lol

Yes. Please give Meta TWO invulns.
(06-24-2021, 09:22 AM)Shadovarn Wrote:
(06-24-2021, 09:18 AM)Random Wrote: bright step or something cool

it’s shadow walk but light lol

Yes. Please give Meta TWO invulns.

You could think of it as giving Holy one invuln!
Name: Solar  Flare (Temporary name, and yes, rip off from dragon ball)
Description: Unleash a dazzling light around you, blinding nearby foes.
Spell damage: 0
CD: ... 14, maybe? Numbers can always be tweaked.
A strictly utility move to blind the opponent with an AoE attack. Unsure about the range, but I think it could mechanically work like shockwave in terms of range and how instantaneous it is (Light moving at light speed, basically)

Unsure about it being GCDE or not. If it'll deal no damage? Probably GCDE.

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