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Of Men and Angels
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Mankind locked in forever war,
This can't be our true design.
The Angels created us for so much more,
We will not simply resign.

Conflict and strife forever plague humanity. Endless wars of conquest that leave destruction and death in their wake, breaking the balance of our fragile world. One would think to pray to Kraus, the Angels and the Stars for aid, and yet that is not how it should be done. Such suffering is the result of humanity's actions, and it is on humanity to solve it, to seek improvement of themselves, and in turn, improve the world around them.

The Angels have created us flawed, imperfect. Humans are to live and die. To seek to distort their designs is to act upon the worst of our flaws, the capability to sin. None of us have never sinned, and yet it is in our nature to strive for betterment of oneself, to avoid putting oneself above others. For it is in harmony and cooperation that humanity moves forward to improve the world, to improve life. 

And even so...

To think that I would have so easily lost one of the most precious things to me in this war-torn land. My own flesh and blood. My second child. I remember her at her best, and at her worst. I was there when she was drinking her sorrows away, frustrated at the injustices we face as we live in this world. I was not there for when she was promoted, but I was there to see her being relied on, being an example for others to follow. And even though she was the most reckless of them all... it is not for her recklessness that she died. She died doing what was right.

And it seems that I will have to finish it.
Is this the duty I must fulfill to this world? To rid it of those who seek its destruction for their perverse, base selfish desires? Or is this merely vengeance I seek for the slight they have done unto me personally?

For once in my life, I am not certain. Never have I sought revenge, but even I am not infallible. I will have sinned for desiring such upon other living beings. And even knowing so, there is little that would sway me from this course. For far too long have we sat and waited, allowing them to harm the world, to house creatures that seek the destruction of the fabric of reality, to house blood-sucking leeches amongst themselves. All they have ever sought is power for their own gain. This can not be allowed too continue.

Those who bear the skin of men but are hardly men at all should not be tolerated, nor trusted. Perhaps those of the younger generations have not seen what I have, but if I must, I will teach them and show them the truths of this world, show them who the enemies are.

Those who have sold our kingdom to the Empire once upon a time shall no longer be a blight upon Esshar.

I will miss you sorely, my dear Priscilla, as I miss many others who they have taken from me. Your death will not be in vain.
For all your problems, I have never loved you any less, even if I cried as I watched you destroy yourself, helplessly.
In the end, I was helpless to prevent your death. And even White magic can not help me here.
I am sorry.

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