06-19-2021, 08:31 AM
The tome before you is old; cracked leather, recently oiled, has been engraved with merely the symbol of a rabbit, alongside a series of methodical bumps, seemingly patterned in a specific manner. Opening the book after unravelling the fastener would reveal a name; Ikhhena. But otherwise, the book seems fairly nondescript- one is not wont to distinguish it from other aged books unless they managed to see the unique writing style. The book is clearly well-loved, and judging by how it's still warm, you can tell that there's been recent entries. Even the paper itself is unusually thick, alongside there being no visible text. If you understood the writing system, feeling the textured bumps and engravings would tell you that the owner was a fairly well-educated, if sheltered individual.
Quote:Well... I suppose I'm unsure how to start this.. Hello! My name is Ikhhena, and this is my journal. If you're reading this, then I've likely left this somewhere by mistake, and would kindly ask that you return it to me. I'm rather clumsy and have a habit of losing things on occasion. I would very much like it back.
Quote:Well.. I've made it to Osrona. Seems to be a more pleasant place than Moxtli, I suppose. Quiet, more peaceful, which is nice. I've not much to write here at the moment. My hands and feet both ache from the journey and I do need to sleep in a few minutes. I think I will like it here. There seems to be a large church in this town I've stopped in, so I might take refuge there for the night and pray for a little while. Starfall Academy is somewhat nearby too; I'm not sure which avenue I'll pursue first, when it comes to learning about this kingdom.
I did meet someone today. He was human, I could tell such by his scent and the sound of his voice. Caligo, he called himself. Quite polite and was more than happy to guide me to the temple when I asked. He says he will get me in touch with a friend in the church so that I can learn more. Our meeting was shortlived, solely due to my fatigue, but I can at least say he's made a good impression on me of this city.