Spicy SeriousLost and Found - The High Priestess' Offer
[Image: OIP.MzUd8ky65laOkm5uNKRMTgHaHW?pid=ImgDet&rs=1]

Ravens scatter across Esshar, carrying missives to village criers, and spreading the word from Aesireheim's High Priestess...

"Recently, some property of mine has gone missing. I care not if you're a thief, beggar or scavenger. But I want what is mine. An eye imbued with the power of blood, you know very well what it is if you have it."

"Return it to me. Bring proof that you have it, and I'll be so kind as to strike a deal. The item for coin, favor, other items I've procured in my long life. You'll have safe passage into and out of Aesirheim, no matter whom you are or who you call master. Bring me what I want, or perhaps a substitute. I desire nothing else from the uppity speck of blood who has it."

"You've made your profit. Send a letter to Ragnhild Sionnach or find the High Priestess of the Triumvirate to collect."
There was a... letter sent to the priestess. One that fell from a raven football thrown back to its mistress!
The Gods are cruel, truly. The worst possible of entities managed to find the item.
And by now, the deal tragically struck.

[Image: NicoRansomPosting.png]
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