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Unidentified Spiritual Objects
[Image: small_scarlet_king.png]
''... a spirit always has a reason. They simply do not leave the spirit realm... well, some do, but the point of having a reason stands. Usually...''

''If not to seek catharsis by their lonesome, then they had to have been drawn here. Meaning more are likely to come. Seeking.''

   After a prior attack on the lands of Aesirheim by an Elemental Water Spirit who claimed its stake over the lands, after its swift defeat and most of its remains returning back to the spirit realm, a certain citizen of Aesirheim has come to believe that something of interest could be hidden somewhere in the ranges of the vast desert. Surely, there'd be no other reason for a water spirit to claim the sands otherwise. This mysterious object is likely the reason that drew the spirit from the waters, and furthermore, from the spirit realm.

   This being the case, and with certain plans for the settlement in mind, some discussion was had with the Jarl and a course of action was decided upon. To pursue this object of interest, or more hopefully objects, for what was to come later down the line those to be brought along would brave the dangers to accomplish these goals. The search would be perilous, not knowing the anomalous effects the target of this search might be able to produce.

What's more, it is uncertain if any others have taken notice... or what else could have been drawn from the lands of the spirits.

They know who they are! They may post on this thread if they so wish, however!

Spiritual, Anomalous, Investigative

Chance of... Emotional Scarring? Psyche Shattering?
(Up to DM!)

Objects Spiritual in their Nature!
Whatever else characters attending desire, if reasonable of course!

They know...!
[Image: loading-reimu.gif]

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