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A Hooting Return With a Peep
Key: AgentLilac
Event Preferences: Story-Rich, Lighter Combat
Contact Information: Peepers#5811
Anything Else: I'm a returning DM, making a new thread because I lost my old forum account! Those that don't know me can call me Hoot or Peepers. I'm going to get back into DMing time to time, so I'll do my best! If I'm full, I'll try to get back to you immediately about that.
Key/Character: Adresin

Which Event: Weaver Gets a Boyfriend

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Extremely fast responsiveness throughout the entire event. We did not have to wait whatsoever!

Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): It was fine! Though, I feel like you could go for less HP and more damage! That's the only advice I was 

Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): This was, the most enjoyable aspect of the event! I had, really, really lots of fun! And you included everyone in your RPs! It felt, really, really nice! 

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) We got what we came for. A good laugh, good loot and a good time!

Overall: 10/10
Character: Weaver
Which Event: Weaver Gets a Boyfriend

Responsiveness: Responses were quick and highly detailed. 10/10.
Balance: Every fight required my full attention and focus to stay alive. The bosses were balanced very well after just a little bit of a balancing hiccup with the health on the first boss. 10/10.
Storytelling: You really captured the bleakness and corruption of Atrellya. The descriptions were great, and each of the spiders had their own reactive personality. I especially loved Denial the Gatekeeper and the angry one that we all yeeted rocks at. 10/10.
Fairness: Everyone earned a reward suiting their build (or a dev item), including two very special treasures that will be coming soon. 10/10.

10/10, I can't state how good of a DM Peepers is. The event was nothing short of incredible.

Any other comments:
I have ONE criticism. The second boss was an Ice/Water spider. We had a person in our party who uses Ice/Water. This meant that some of us kept running into the ice spikes or water magic only to suffer intense pain and a hit of 3000 damage. Please avoid having your bosses use the same AOE spells as the party unless your intention is to confuse, at which point it's okay!
Key/Character: Gashadokuro
Which Event: Weaver Gets A Boyfriend!

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): Peepers was extremely responsive in both the group chat and during the event itself.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): The balance was perfectly fine, imo. The bosses were tanky, but in turn they weren't overwhelmingly strong unless you stood in their attacks.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): The storytelling was pretty straight forward. I did appreciate the additional demonic politics in terms of a sister who encouraged us to beat up her bitch of a sister. It was really good and made me laugh LOL
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): There was nothing to complain about in regards to fairness. I went down once and rolled a 6.

Cute event, 10/10 Peeperoni.
Any other comments:
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Character: Enna
Which Event: Weaver Gets a Boyfriend

Responsiveness: Responses were quick and full of details for us to work off of. 10/10.
Balance: I never really felt like I was in danger, but that is probably just due to the character's hyper-sustainy build. Don't be afraid to amp things up against parties that are capable of healing. 6/10
Storytelling: The first spider was absolutely hilarious. I also made a new bestie via showing off my arts and crafts. 10/10.
Fairness: Everyone earned a nice reward suited to their character at the end. 10/10.

8.5/10, Cutest event I've been on in some time.

Any other comments: Clare was definitely way too young to go on this event, bless his poor youthful innocence.

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