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An Invitation
[Image: First_Eye.png]

An invasive species seems to have begun to infest the darkened corners of the eastern jungles of Esshar. Any who find themselves wandering about in the night swear they feel like they're being watch, and occasionally can catch movements in their peripheral. Only to then turn and notice nothing was there. Other times they would see that the shadows themselves appeared infested, wriggling and pulsating masses of onyx matter rising out from the depths - only to slink back in once noticed.

From those masses of matter occasionally would come daemonic eyes, forcefully ripping themselves open from the masses to observe their surroundings. To those unfortunate enough, or fortunate enough, to make contact with these eyes would hear a voice ring out of their mind.

"I come seeking knowledge of this continent , and anything else to sate my eternal curiosities. I invite those willing to search for me in the Dark. My eyes shall find you, should you come searching for me.
Those who can satisfy me shall be gifted with a simple taste of what the Blessed of Cain may offer this dull world. ."

[Image: Multiple_Eyes.png]

Would you come and Embrace the Dark?

Those interested in a scene DM me at Nerdlord57#3717 on discord!

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