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'I would like to say, for many years as I have lived in your so called temple since I was a young child. I hadn't had any trouble from you at least until now. I have done nothing to you and will appreciate if you give me all of my belongings back. For one that so worships the Blind goddess you really are Zealots as the others say. I don't even participate in the wars.
Kicking so many people out because you don't know them? Did you ever think they might have been on your side? Perhaps these rash decisions have made even more enemies for you. Perhaps you are getting rather senile and paranoid. Are you that scared enough to start kicking everyone out or is it that you had a much bigger plan in mind?
Pretty down right low of you to kick reporters and inventors out that have nothing to do with the wars. I hope you are happy for making so many homeless people.
I would like to have my weapon, over thirty thousand coin, fifty blue mercury, fifty mythril, my arcanium, twenty nyshke and some money for reimbursement for the stress you have given me along with my ocarina.
Never would have thought you were a thief this whole time.'
- Sincerely Chi Crow
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Dear Mister Crow,
It is human nature to feel distraught at the homes being lost for those who counted on the temple to house them. The decision to evict those who did not belong from Osronan territory was made many years prior and has been actively enforced ever since. Following the destruction of Silverwall, the deaths of many, and the damage dealt to the Lifestream making the area dangerous to most of our population I'm afraid we had no choice but to seize what is rightfully Osrona's in order to house its population. Surely a man such as yourself who wishes not for the meek to go hungry can understand that.
Your demands are heard. Unfortunately for you the Shimmering City will not be giving weapons, wealth, or resources to its most prominent enemy. Should you ever feel the need to retrieve them you are free to sever your ties with the Empire and join Osrona proper. Seeing as you were already benefiting of Essharan hospitality I am certain you know the comfort that can be provided to you.
If you wish to appeal this decision you may come speak before the council.
Councilman Seifer K. Gardios
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'Benefit? From where I stand the only being that has benefited was you, who stole my belongings from which I have sweated for many years to pay the rent and dues. I risked my life daily to gather such resources. It seems like the Blind Goddess cares nothing for the people at all even to the extent of kicking innocent people out and watching more to starve.
You are basically saying that I should work hard most of my life since I was a child, taking care of myself only to earn money on my own just to find a home when there was none around. Thinking I was safe for years, under neutral terms just to get kicked out just to feed the meek with my hard earned belongings? Sir you took all I had. My memories, my clothes, even what food I had left, saying that they are Osronian belongings?
They nor you didn't even sweat over what I have collected. Now sit here starving with no home nor food while you sit in a fancy mansion, sitting on my hard earned work? You and osorana are nothing but conceited swine. Are you sure you're not serving a false god? A demon perhaps. Maybe Blind Goddess is the correct name for they can't see what you are doing to people around you who have done NOTHING to you at all. I was never yours nor Osorona's enemy and I won't sever my ties to join someone who steals from the innocent.
I could say the same for you for those so called 'meek' people. I don't see you giving up your home, clothes and food for them. Oh wait.. I didn't have a choice and nor did the other residents!
I'll ask this again, return my belongings as well as everyone else's that you had so 'Graciously' evicted out of their homes. I rather not be enemies.'
-Chi Crow