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New Alchemy Recipe Ideas Thread
Hey! Alchemy kind of sucks right now. A lot of the old stuff is no longer applicable and things are in a pretty defunct state right now.

Let's think of some fun and interesting new alchemy recipe to spice things up a notch.

If you think of new reagents, post those too! Especially if you have sprites for them!

Note that I don't actually have alchemy myself so if these already exist, well, oops.

Here's some ideas off the bat:

(Tier 5)

* Reed Bowl: 1 Soothing Reed, 1 Fire Crystal, 1 Wood -- Creates a bowl of soothing, aromatic reed to be inhaled. For the next 24 hours, any temporary injuries sustained are halved (including from mobs) both in duration and penalty.

[Image: zPS6C6q.png]

* Herbal Poultice: 2 Alessa, 1 Cylion -- A simple herbal remedy long since used by local healers to keep their charges going. For the next 15 minutes, gain temporary vit equal to all temp and perm injuries.

(Tier 4)

* Crimson Bowl: 1 Crimson Reed, 2 Fire Crystal, 1 Wood -- The rare and medicinal Crimson Reed can be used as a very potent aid to recover lost stamina. It is more difficult to burn than soothing reed. For the next hour, running does not cost energy, and slow energy recovery is doubled.

[Image: fs5CU86.png]

* Lodestone Potion (Iron): 1 Glowing Mushroom, 1 Earth Stone, 2 Iron -- For the next hour, all iron ores mined have a chance of dropping 2 or, rarely, 3, instead of 1 ore. However, all other ore types will drop 0. Drinking another Lodestone Potion will only refresh the original, not replace it.

* Lodestone (other metals): Replace iron with that metal.

(Tier 3)

* Eyes of the Forest: Glowing Mushroom, Crimson Reed, 2 Nature Gems -- For the next 15 minutes, the imbiber may use the /forage command, showing the direction (in the chat pane) of the closest non-tilled alchemy reagent. Ie. "You spot a soothing reed close by to the northwest!"

* Stride of the Woodlands: 2 Rabbit Foot, Lightning Gem, Nature Gem -- For the next hour, plants and trees do not cause collision. In addition, the drinker gains triple natural energy recovery when within 5 tiles of a tree.

Post more!


In case people didn't know, there are a lot of alchemy reagents that are quite untouched but are still sitting there in code. Maybe if you ask Chance nicely we can use them again. Some have VERY nice sprites!

Bat wing [Image: SPBdIeW.png]
Colchic Hazel [Image: 2H94mSU.png]
Costus Root [Image: nj2U88p.png]
Crimson Reed  [Image: 85UXH5v.png]
Dragon Tooth [Image: ICuYhny.png]
Juniper Sap [Image: Ae5nYwB.png]
White Lotus [Image: 8L3p82g.png]
Nightshade Root [Image: LH9eUPN.png]

Are these actually used anywhere at the moment..?

* The Half-Pint: 3 Cylion, 1 nature gem. For the next hour, your character sprite becomes 30% smaller; you gain +15% agi and lose vit.

* The Grow-Op: 1 Cylion, 3 nature gems. For the next hour, your sprite becomes 30% larger; you gain 15% vit and lose agi.
We really, really don't need more reagents.

That said, having something to transmute ores would solve an issue where certain ones are simply useless as well as be very fitting to, you know, alchemy. It was kind of the point!

Copper could be two pieces of copper and something relatively basic like, idk, a firefly and cylion to make one iron, etc. Gradually go up in tiers with each tier. It both allows for something actually actively in demand to be made by alchemists, makes it somewhat easier to move up in tiers without grinding on monsters (crystals are the worst mate) and will help artificers have more of a community economy instead of just waiting for someone to get lucky hitting X on a rock to get a rare ore for their stuff.

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