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Acyhon Clinic: Augustus' Infirmary
[Image: Clinic-screensave.png]
Another advertisment has been stapled upon the wooden notice board by the gate of Achyon, announcing the opening of another clinic inside the walls:

"I, Alexander Vol Hellstrom,  would like to announce the opening of my own clinic, official name still pending, inside Achyon's fortress at 1840AC.
As a medical professional who studied at Starfall Academy, and authorized to perform independent medical aid, I shall provide assistance to any Achyon citizen that requests it for a small fee, and free aid to any soldier of Achyon at private rank or above*.
The clinic is brand new, and thus still lacking in much needed supplies. 
Any alchemists and artifciers that are willing to come and negotiate for exchanges, be it a onetime drop or an agreement for a steady supply in return for coins, service, or other, are welcome to come and speak to me to clarify prices and conditions.
Furthermore, since the clinic just started? I would like to ask the assistance of anyone who is willing, to come for blood donations to be used for transfusions for future patients. 
This isn't just an issue of how much blood the clinic has, but also what type. While I can use my own blood, it is not compatible with anyone.
Any donor would be greatly appreciated, and to sweeten the deal? There will be cookies given for free**, straight out of Larry Duarte’s Imperial Catering!
To those in need of medical care, or are willing to donate blood for the clinic, the clinic is the left door at the top floor of the fortress."
*Aid price does not include trauma kits.
**Up to three cookies per donor. Please leave some for the rest.

The new clinic is small & modest, but remains clean & sterlized under the delicate care of Alexander.
As written on the notice, Alexander is still on the lookout for any blood donors or suppliers to fill up the clinic's storage, for the medical needs of future patients.
It has been a lot of long, exhausting days at the clinic since the raid upon the mines, the wounded and the unconscious brought in by the flocks to be treated.
Despite Alexander's best efforts; he was not able to save everyone: Many of the sickly non-magi have reached a critical state, a fair share among them dying by what Alexander diagnosed as a sudden illness.
In regards to the public, Alexander had this to say, a message pinned upon the notice board:

"First off, I would like to apologize to all the still grieving family members of the deceased that didn't make it under my care.
There isn't much else I can do for them beyond my heartfelt condolences.
This is not an incident I would like to repeat, and with that? I would like to announce that I'll be willing to teach anyone who is currently on active duty in Acyon's Hand about Medicine and patient care, free of charge.
The empire is stronger when we work together, rather than separated.
As for the shared illness that was afflicted upon the patients? I'll strive to reach a deeper understanding, and seek ways to mend, or even cure such afflictions in the future.
This is a work in progress, and as such I cannot make any promises for success."

While some patients are still recovering in the clinic, a rumor is being whispered across the streets that Alexander has been asking the families of the deceased for permission to perform autopsy on those who died due to the illness.
Uneasy times have fallen upon Achyon at the loss of their commander.
A new message was pinned to the notice board, with rumors spreading that Alexander was seen with teary eyes before he headed off east.

"The former commander has been a man of great importance in my life. One who has been my superior since I've been but a young, naïve private.
No words I'll say would be enough to fully honor him. No words I'll speak will be enough to comfort those who mourn.
So instead, I'll do it via action. My clinic shall no longer go on without a name.
From this day forward, my clinic shall be known as Augustus' Infirmary.
This is but one act to honor his name and legacy. In time, I hope I'll be able to follow it with more actions to further honor the fallen commander.
May he rest in peace."

Further down on the paper, a signature was written:

Alexander Vol Hellstrom.
At a time of unease, uncertainty, and chaos among the streets in Achyon, Alexander has made an announcement.
This time, not by placing a notice on the board, fearing it might get shredded by some unuly punks, but through hear to hear, with the sergeant paying those in need of coin to spread the message.

Due to the message passing by word of mouth, the exact phrasing differs at times:
"Augustus' Infirmary has changed places, and now also has a meal center for the needy in Achyon!"

"Hey! Alexander is giving free food!"
"You have a fever? Go to the infirmary for a check up!"

Right by the door of the infirmary and the meal center, there is a sign set in place:

[Image: Screenshot.png]

A place for the sickly citizens, and a meal center for the poor, homeless, and orphan children who are under eighteen can come in to get in a free bowl of soup per day. Other assortments of food are available, for those who can afford to pay.

Should one try to touch the sign, be it for vandalism or just out of curiousity, the helmeted skull nearby suddenly comes to live, clacking its teeth as it screams without visible lungs:

"Caw-Caw! Intruder, intruder!"
An alarm to hopefully deter the more... Troublesome folk.
coincidentally, the skull can also be used as mailbox!

Those who enter in for the free soup for the first time will be required by the server in charge to first get profiled by taking their name and photograph, to keep track on who has gotten soup already for the day.

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