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The Skywardens Castle
[Image: mountaintop_temple_by_mcgmark_dckc5ng-fu...moCtRL4ae4]

Legends of the Skywardens Castle piqued an interest within the Shenlong Drakanite when she first heard of it years ago. An interest and a curiosity that had been left unsatiated for too long. It's time to find out if the legends are true. Will the castle above the clouds be found?
Character: Ka-Tula

Attendees: ICly informed friends
Risk: Low CoD
Tone: Adventure, seeking, treasure, history, spiritual
Rewards: To be discussed with the DM
DM: Searching
Notes: The first event for a chain that leads Ka-Tula to a closer understanding to Shenglong.
Discord: Xiga#8297

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