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Fishing As A Social Skill
I play a little Runescape in my time, and in games such as this where a skill is low click-intensity semi-afkable, they usually make an effort to make the skill have some kind of 'social' aspect to it. Be it placing efficient farming spots in high-population areas or otherwise encouraging players to train together rather than off solo.

I think it would be neat if Fishing could provide some kind of bonus when fishing in an area with multiple players, such as decreased energy costs or increased catch-rates for rarer fish. You could also have specific 'fishing spots' that players could flock to, and perhaps these spots could wander around the coast to encourage players to scout out spots for each other.

I think this would make fishing a lot more engaging than it currently is, as it stands, mining is a lot more engaging because you're actually moving around and doing stuff and crawlin' around cool locations like caves and such.
To add to that:

Make fishing relaxing by having it be one press and done; it's not like people who ran macros will see a change in difficulty and at this point hitting C repeatedly isn't relaxing. Maybe get a better noise for when you get a bite that isn't some weird buzzing, too.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
I'm bumping this and adding the additional suggestion that Rainbow Fish be given some purpose to exist. It's very intuitive that rarer fish would be capable of more desireable effects than lower rarity fish, but I have recently been informed that is not the case. Unless I was misinformed, the Rainbow Roll and Maki Roll(s) are effectively the same. This is incredibly confusing as a new player as to why rainbow fish require the fishing level that they do (20) in order to be caught. I can only assume this is because fishing is feature-incomplete as a new addition to the game?

Requiring them as a crafting ingredient for alchemy, or simply making rainbow rolls a more desireable food. Fishing is currently a lot of grind for no reward, and that's kinda sad! PS: if this is not the case and rainbow trout are important for some other reason, please tell me.

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